Entries by Linus

Interview Psych

  Identify two people or a caregiver (as in the case of an infant), who represent two different stages of the life span—ideally, two who do not identify with your own current stage of life span development—and set up an brief 15–20  minute interview with them for this assignment. For example, select an  adolescent and […]

Assignment wk 8

Assignment: Effects of Physical Development on Adolescents You probably noted from the Learning Resources this week the interrelationship between the processes and constructs of development, in relation to adolescent development. Cognitive changes, including hypothetico-deductive reasoning, metacognitive skills, and more complex forms of thinking impact how an adolescent perceives and reacts to the world. Higher-order thinking […]

Order 860560: Social Psychology Research Project on self-enhancements

  Type of paperResearch Paper SubjectPsychology Number of pages5 Format of citationAPA Number of cited resources5 Type of serviceRewriting You will utilize the references and research you found for your annotated bibliography to create a social psychology research paper. The paper should communicate your research findings to the other students. The paper should make it […]

case of elderly couple

Consider Lydia’s and John’s cognitive and physical limitations as well as their social support. If you were presenting this case to a team of other human services providers, what developmental theories, concepts, and principles help explain this case?  What other information might you need to fully evaluate the situation in which Lydia and John live? […]

Assignment needed done immediately if completed by midnight will pay extra

  Assignment consists of two main items, with four sub-items each, about routine activity theory and strain theory. Please note the specific requirement for each response. You should write your answers in complete sentences and write at least a paragraph for each question. If you struggle with answering the questions, review the learning activities for […]

Discussion: Leadership Styles

  Leadership styles are specific methods used to wield influence and power, direct and motivate followers, and achieve goals. Each leadership style is associated with a set of assumptions about the role of a leader and his or her relationships with followers. For example, transactional leaders enforce rules, carefully monitor the performance of followers, and […]

Case Study: Evaluating Ashford University Institutional and Program Outcomes

  Prior to completing this assignment, read the Ashford University Institutional Outcomes located on the Syllabus page for this course. Additionally, read the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Program Outcomes (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (pg. 248) located within the Online Undergraduate Programs section of the Ashford University 2013-2014 Academic Catalog. After reviewing the […]