Entries by Linus

week 11 question 1

   When you meet someone new, your brain automatically uses schemas to identify characteristics or behavior that would allow you to classify the person into a group that you may already know. While this is an adaptive and helpful strategy that the human brain possesses, when taken to an extreme, it could lead to the […]

discussion composition

In this Discussion, you will start thinking about how you can best convey your message through digital media such as a video, slide presentation, or podcast which rely on both text and visuals to highlight a main message. If you are not readily familiar with digital media tools, WC has resources that you can review, […]

Ethical issue

Research and prepare a one-page (typed, double spaced) analysis of an ethical issue of your choice (do not use a previous assignment’s work )  using one of the following ethical theories: ethical egoism, utilitarianism, or Kantian ethics. Cite any sources used and submit to the dropbox  in Blackboard then bring a printed copy on the exam day. […]

Intro to Psychology 105- Assignment 1: Retrospective Analysis of Personality

                       **Must be original*****                 ( Turn it-in is used )   Assignment 1: Retrospective Analysis of Personality   In this assignment, begin by taking a retrospective look at your life history, to discuss which aspects of your personality have remained consistent and which aspects of your personality have changed over time. Then, analyze the roles of nature […]

Therapy type

Compare and contrast Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adlerian Psychotherapy, and Client-Centered Psychotherapy with regard to how each views normal and abnormal development. Which theory best fits with your own personal theory of development? two to three pages

Cultural Influences on Perception

  Respond to the following prompt in a primary post of at least 150 words. Sensation refers to an actual event; perception refers to how we interpret the event. What are some cultural differences that might affect responses to particular stimuli? In other words: provide an example of something that people from two different cultures may perceive in […]