Entries by Linus

PCN-520 Module 7 DQ 2

Review the group proposal for children who have been abused, described on pages 313-319 in the textbook. If you were screening children for such a group, what would be some signs that this group would be contraindicated for a particular child? How would you strive to obtain consent from parents or legal guardians, and how […]

Theory and Behavior Change (2-3 pages) $20

Readings Course Text: Glanz, K., Rimer, B. K.,   & Viswanath, K. (Eds.). (2015). Health behavior:   Theory, research, and practice(5th ed.). San Francisco, CA:   Jossey-Bass. Chapter   1, “The Scope of Health Behavior” Chapter   2, “Theory, Research, and Practice in Health Behavior” Book Excerpt: Locke, L. F., Silverman, S. J.,   & Spirduso, W. W. (2010). Reading and […]

Effects of peer pressure on conformity

Based on the feedback you received on your submission from last week, submit a revised draft of your paper with this additional information:Five additional references that could be used for your research paper and include a 1-2 sentence description for each of the five additional references, explaining how they fit with the research topic and […]

assigment 6.2

Imagine a single parent who just lost his or her job. Describe how this mom or dad would respond to this stressor in these three ways: 1. Fight 2.Flight 3. Tend-and-befriend just one paragraph

Birth Complications

Birth Complications For this discussion: Provide an overview of birth defects or complications of birth, such as preterm and low birth weight. Address their effects on development. Discuss some of the consequences of caring for these infants. Discuss your recommendations for interventions. Use the readings from this unit to inform your discussion.


2. Causes of Delinquent Behavior Natalie was growing concerned about her daughter Brandi’s school performance. Brandi’s grades had dropped since the beginning of the school year, and she seemed reluctant to go to school. On some days, she complained of vague symptoms, such as a stomachache or a headache. On other days, she simply did […]


As a clinical mental health counselor you consciously use certain skills, such as open-ended questions, paraphrasing, reflection of feeling, and summarizing to demonstrate to the client that you heard, understood, and empathized with what he or she said. These skills help to initiate rapport with the client, creating a safe and therapeutic environment where change […]

drug and alcohol abuse

 In this assignment, you will identify and summarize a contemporary social issue of your choice. This social issue will become the main topic of your final project, and you will revisit the issue throughout the course as you work on your final project. You can choose a social issue from the topic list below, or […]