Entries by Linus

**KIM WOODS** Paper on Significant Topic of Your Choice

***PLEASE USE ATTACHMENT AS GUIDE***   TASK   1. Choose one of the following topics and write a 1,000-1,500 word paper summarizing the current psychological research on the topic. (Many of these topics are broad and you may choose to focus your research on a more specific area of the topic, such as focusing on when children show resiliency […]

Week 7 assignment may 16 2018

  Assignment Instructions In a five paragraph essay (600 words), describe how children acquire, practice and develop language skills. Students will include a title page, reference page, with running head on all pages consistent with APA format. Abstract is not required.

cognitive psychology ackademick only

 Unit 4: Module 4 – M4 Assignment 1 Discussion    Assignment 1: Discussion—Speech Acquisition You have learned about the different aspects of memory in the previous modules. Language is critical not only to communicate with others but also to memory. Many memories are encoded using language. Memory is much more rudimentary when language skills are […]

Baby Boomers Assignment

NEED COMPLETED IN 5 HOURS OR LESS        The largest segment of the U.S. population, the “baby boomers,” are moving into middle adulthood and, in some cases, even becoming grandparents. The advertising and marketing industries study this age cohort, and it has been increasing in visibility in primetime television, print ads, and in […]

Disorder Case Presentation Paper

MY TOPIC IS ON HIV/AIDS AND THERE IS A PARTIAL PAPER ATTACHED THAT YOU CAN ADD ON TO FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT  4-5 page research paper on a chosen mental health or disabling condition that can potentially impact employability or independent living.   Formatted in the APA style (i.e. title page, running head, abstract, reference page, etc.). […]

ABS 300/2.3

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 9 and 10 in the textbook, the required articles, and the required videos for this week. The WAIS-IV is a commonly used standardized intelligence test for adolescents and adults.   Assume you have been asked to evaluate an inpatient and have very limited time so that you […]