Entries by Linus

Trident University International Personality And Behavioral Patterns Discussion

Are you familiar with some of the psychologists and main theories within psychology, it is time to apply the viewpoints of Humanistic, Cognitive, Psychoanalytic and Behavioral Psychology, which are some of the broadest and most widely used theories in psychology. For this case study you will look at an event through the lenses of these […]

300words 1 and 2

Assignment 1 Prepare As you prepare to write this discussion, take a few moments to do the following: Review the Modeled Discussion. Read any required and recommended reading materials for this week, especially Chapter 2 from your text. Reflect There are many ways in which technology is affecting the production, distribution, and appreciation of films. […]


1. When we cannot retrieve information from memory, we say that _____ has occurred. A. forgetting B. a money trace C. sensory decay D. encoding failure E. secondary memory 2. Unattended information is stored briefly in: A. sensory memory B. short-term memory C. long-term memory D. working memory E. secondary memory 3. The central executive […]

PSY280 Week2

Prepare a  to 1,000-word paper in which you discuss the life span perspective of human development. Be sure to include the following items in your description: Summarize three theories related to human growth and development and identify at least one influential theorist for each. Identify aspects of the life span perspective. Explain how heredity and […]

Presentation by experts

  n this discussion, you will create a presentation from the point of view of two specific professionals who are experts on the topic you selected in Week One for your Final Project.  For this discussion:  Topic for this is Child Psychology Consider the psychological career alternatives available and determine from which fields of expertise […]

Discussion Questions 5

Discussion Questions   Complete the following discussion questions which are based on concepts and principles from the assigned readings for this module.  Your facilitator will guide you in the selection of two of the four discussion questions. Submit your responses to both questions to the Discussion Area  by the due date assigned. Through the end of […]