Entries by Linus

Presentation by experts

  n this discussion, you will create a presentation from the point of view of two specific professionals who are experts on the topic you selected in Week One for your Final Project.  For this discussion:  Topic for this is Child Psychology Consider the psychological career alternatives available and determine from which fields of expertise […]

Discussion Questions 5

Discussion Questions   Complete the following discussion questions which are based on concepts and principles from the assigned readings for this module.  Your facilitator will guide you in the selection of two of the four discussion questions. Submit your responses to both questions to the Discussion Area  by the due date assigned. Through the end of […]

Broward Community College Three Caskets by Sigmund Freud Summary

Read and produce a typed one-page summary of Sigmund Freud’s essay “The Theme of the Three Caskets,” from Vol. XII of The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, in MLA format. Indicate clearly Freud’s thesis or controlling idea, and emphasize elements pertaining to definitions of the “femme fatale.” Only summarize up […]

Developmental Psychology short answer test 4 questions apa style

Some of your responses may require additional academic support beyond the textbook, scholarly  sources are books, peer reviewed journals, and scholarly websites: examples  .gov, .edu, .org, examples (National Institute of Mental Health, APA.org, WEBMD,  (MayoClinic) – Please include your references 1.(worth 5 points) Explain some health and physical conditions of young adulthood explain some  genetic […]

Organizational Psychology – A2

  Assignment 2:        Prepare  an essay describing the various components that comprise the main  aspects of this week’s required readings. Please include details on what  your readings covered and provide ideas and opinions on the overall  content of the readings. Provide examples where appropriate and express  opinions. To substantiate your opinions, you must use […]

PCN-521 Week 3 Weekly Journal

Week 3 Weekly Journal Each week students are required to submit reflective writing that will serve to integrate the concepts from each topic into memory and professional practice. Answer the following questions: What are the key points in the readings for this module? Based on your experience, how can you apply content from these readings […]

HW410 Purdue Global Self Esteem and Stress Management Questions

should be at least two full double-spaced pages in length, using size 12-point font in Word format. Be sure your paper is well written in paragraph form, with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use template and must pass a plagiarizer checker Answer the following questions:Describe self-esteem and explain what role it plays in promoting and […]


  Congratulations! You’ve been promoted to be a new training manager for your department. Your first task is to train your team to use some new software. In your psychology class, you learned about two different approaches to learning:  Operant conditioning  Observational learning In your discussion post: Share which approach you would choose to train […]