Entries by Linus

Learn Energy Psychology Mind Body Healing Technique

There are several Mind-Body and Energy techniques. Your assignment is to find, post the link to, and summarize according to competencies a YouTube video presenting a Mind-Body technique in a professional manner. You can search using keywords like; mind-body, meditation, relaxation, guided imagery, Reiki, Body Talk, Therapeutic Touch, ect. The video should be no longer […]

Error free

In this assignment, you will prepare and record a lecture/podcast that you would deliver to a target group to educate them about the role of nutrition in behavior and mental health, with information specifically for that target group. Your challenge will be to prioritize and communicate clearly the information that they need to make sound […]

Part 3

Part 3: Environments and Experiences That Inspire and Support Development and Learning Each of the people you studied this week—<Johann Pestalozzi, Fredrich Froebel, John Dewey, and Maria Montessori – developed his or her philosophy of education based on personal and professional experiences. Each was interested in understanding and defining the environments, experiences, and resources that […]


This week is divided into two sections. First, you will focus on defining, refining, and critiquing the concept of evidence-based programs and their connection to theory.  Having read and reviewed these resources, prepare a reflection paper on evidence-based programs and practices. Be sure your paper addresses the following: Include a definition of evidence-based programs.  Determine […]

A++++ tutorial

Create an outline of major treatment approaches.   Include at least five treatment approaches. Provide a brief description of each approach in the outline annotated with the factors that must be considered for various special populations

need asap—-tomorrow

Discuss the benefits  and problems with sex surveys, use examples from the literature  Marks, D. F., Murray, M., Evans, B., Estacio, E. V. (2015). Health psychology: theory, research, and practice (4th ed.). London: Sage. Plagiarism free  250 words 

discussion question 550 words, master level, apa format. CAPSTONE DISCUSSION

Consider a topic of interest related to your MS specialization area (Forensic Psychology) Search the Internet and complete a preliminary search in the academic literature to make sure there are scholarly sources, primarily current peer-reviewed journal articles, about this topic. Identify a specific problem within this topic that will become the focus of your Capstone […]

Powerpoint Presentation- Depression in Teens & Young Adults

Utilizing the information you compiled for your literature review paper (ATTACHED), and the feedback you received from your instructor about the literature review, prepare a 10-15 minute Power Point presentation on your topic, summarizing the key points and conclusions. Be sure to direct this presentation to an audience in the community. For example, if your […]