Entries by Linus

Research-Based Interventions on Eating Disorders and the Paraphilias paper

Research-Based Interventions on Eating Disorders and the ParaphiliasDue   Feb 01, 11:59 PM Not Submitted POINTS   10   Paper Objectives:     InstructionsAssignment FilesGrading  Select an eating disorder, neurocognitive disorder, or sexual disorder from the Film List. Use the Research Analysis to complete this assignment. Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that discusses research-based interventions to treat psychopathology. Review and […]

week3 discussion

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  This week, your individual assignment asks you to analyze symptoms of psychological disorders that may present differently among different cultures. However, there are also certain syndromes that are only present in certain cultures. Research culture-bound syndromes. What are they? What is an example? How may […]

5 page Annotated Bibliography (Pro Dan)A

I need someone to prepare an annotated outline on elderly exploitation. The assignment should reflect scholarly graduate level writing and current APA standards. Reference Biggs, S. and Goergen, T. (2010). Theoretical development in Elder Abuse and neglect. Ageing. International, 35(3), 167-170.   Burnight, K., and L. Mosqueda. (2011).  Theoretical Model Development in Elder Mistreatment. The […]

Problem solving

Just choose one of the scenarios from the given 4 scenarios, and have to follow and answer all the six steps at the bottom of the question. Plagiarism free. 

The Art and Science of Persuasion

A Social Psychological Analysis of _______ Explain in-depth how social psychological principles of persuasion are relevant for one of your selected advertisements, citing relevant research.  Relate characteristics of the communicator, the message, and the target audience.  Formulate a plan to intentionally enhance persuasiveness.  What are various alternative techniques one might employ effectively? Submit a structured […]

psychology( For Baber Makayla)

Post your discussion regarding Chapters 5 or 6 — questions, thoughts, applications to your own life, additional information you have researched (include the source), etc.  You should select one area of interest from these chapters and discuss this topic in depth.  You must include more than just your own opinions.   1 original topic (250 […]

Psychological Assessment I-A3-A7

Begin to Write the Psychosocial History: Please see Interview Guide under Additional Resources   Interview a volunteer subject and write up the Psychosocial History and MSE. You may use a friend or a family member. Please disguise all identifying information to protect the privacy of the person being interviewed. You can download the Interview Guide that is […]

I need an outline for a research paper on the the topic aggression and antisocial behavior. The description will have the outline template to go by

Introduction [Capture reader’s interest] [Build case through logic] [Topic sentence/thesis statement] [First main point (strongest)] [Support] 1. [Example] 2. [Example] [Support] 1. [Example] 2. [Example] [Support] 1. [Example] 2. [Example] [Second main point (second strongest)] [Support] 1. [Example] 2. [Example] [Support] 1. [Example] 2. [Example] [Support] 1. [Example] 2. [Example] [Third main point (weakest)] A. […]