Entries by Linus

32: Social Anxiety

This one is the first application section of the class – Do you have experience with Social Anxiety? “Talk!” | Anna Vite | TEDxChallengeEarlyCollegeHighSchool (Links to an external site.) What is the difference between being non social vs antisocial?

Texas Common Core Standards paper

  One of the most interesting educational trends in our country today is called The Common Core Standards. Even though Texas is one of the few states not participating in this program, I believe ALL educators should have an awareness of programs throughout our country. We are teaching students who are highly mobile. A student […]

Several types of intervention and treatment approaches have been presented in your course textbook. In addition, evidence-based treatment programs are presented on the recommended government website, http://www.crimesolutions.gov/. The Office of Justice P

Several types of intervention and treatment approaches have been presented in your course textbook. In addition, evidence-based treatment programs are presented on the recommended government website, http://www.crimesolutions.gov/. The Office of Justice Programs’ CrimeSolutions.gov uses rigorous research to determine what works in criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services. On CrimeSolutions.gov, you will find:Research on program […]

Social Work With Target Populations

Social Work With Target Populations Write a short paper (maximum three pages, double-spaced) choosing a population in our society that is viewed as disadvantaged or discriminated against, such as persons living in poverty, people with a disability, individuals with mental illness, immigrants, a minority ethnic or religious group, native peoples, children or youth, or members […]

PSY 331 Psychology of Learning WK3-D1

 Cognition and Our Environment      Prior to engaging in this discussion, read Chapter 4: Cognition,  Learning, and the Environment in your required e-book, review the  article “Socially Situated Cognition in Perspective” and the Instructor  Guidance, and view the video What Are Schemas? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Cognition incorporates numerous variables that […]

Language Acquisition

Prior to beginning this discussion, please read the following required articles: “Language Acquisition Socialization: Sociocognitive and Complexity Theory Perspectives” “The Learning Brain: Lessons for Education: A Précis” “The Cultural-Historical Foundations of the Zone of Proximal Development” “Self-Determination, Self-Regulation, and the Brain: Autonomy Improves Performance by Enhancing Neuroaffective Responsiveness to Self-Regulation Failure” “Acquisition, Learning, or Development […]

How to do this Career Opportunities Research and Report?

Assignment Instructions   After researching the psychology specialties listed below using the Occupational Outlook Handbook at https://www.bls.gov/ooh/  and the American Psychological Association website at http://www.APA.org write a pair (2) of succinct and thorough paragraphs summarizing the job responsibilities, work locations, salaries, education, national licensing requirements and career outlook for each career represented as percentage of […]

Week 7 State of Rehabilitation in Correctional Settings Critique Paper

This week, you will write a brief critique of the state of rehabilitation in correctional settings and its impact on recidivism, particularly for inmates with mental health needs. In your critique, reflect on and include information that you learned in this course about the correctional environment and community corrections. Be sure your critique addresses the […]