Entries by Linus

week five discussion two psy640

Week 5 – Discussion 2 1 1 unread reply. 2 2 replies. Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum […]

Essay about Case Study

  For this week, after reading Case Study 9, answer the following questions: How would you have handled this case? Please consider two different alternative methods for intervention. What would you have done differently? What are your reasons for preferring different interventions? Although you may feel that the therapist’s methods cannot be improved upon, consider it is important […]

Due by 10pm reply to dq 100 words each total 200 apa

  Responses Checklist: Did you respond to two or more classmates throughout the week? Did you use scholarly resources to support your work? Did you discuss each area in the instruction and Grading Rubric? Did you use APA?  DQ1 I could really relate to the article by Howard Rossi because I too would like to […]

Personality Perspectives Paper

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper comparing the main themes of the social-cognitive perspective with the humanistic perspective. Describe the main concepts involved in each perspective. Explain how the perspectives differ from one another. Identify possible limitations of each perspective. Include a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles. Format citations in your paper consistent with APA guidelines

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. Before beginning this assignment, each group should submit a filled-in copy of the CLC Agreement Form.

 Details: This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. Before beginning this assignment, each group should submit a filled-in copy of the CLC Agreement Form. Each CLC team will design a correlational study, groups will need two variables with at least five sets of data. between these two variables: time spent playing video games and […]


Compose a short (8-10 pages) current APA paper detailing the traumatic events that have occurred within your family. Include nature of each trauma, approximate age at which each trauma occurred, positive or negative outcomes/effects/coping skills applied, etc. For the effects, substantiate from the literature (e.g. auto accident led to alcohol abuse-as described by Piper). Include […]

Scenario Solution

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in APA format detailing how a human service organization focused on providing job skills to high school dropouts would address the following:Statement of opportunityImpact of organizational structureCommunity and environmental factorsHuman resources and budget Use feedback and content from previous assignments to assist you in addressing the scenario presented in […]

Psychology disorder paper

  Your paper should address the following:  DUE  MARCH 26TH  11:30pm on Sakai class Assignment section.   • Symptom picture – describe the symptoms commonly seen in the disorder you have chosen to research. Prevalence rates – prevalence rates in the US and world. (1pt.)   • Cultural variables – You should list a couple […]