Entries by Linus

Ironic Psychology exercise

Part One Discuss why you think plagiarism is so problematic in higher education today. Have you seen examples of it? What do you think you can personally do to help develop your own academic voice? Does it stir up any emotions when you think others are “getting away with it”? Part Two Write a two-paragraph […]

Risk Factors and Risk Assessment

  Assignment 2: Risk Factors and Risk Assessment The course textbook classifies risk factors into three categories: social, familial, and psychological. Identify a risk factor from each category and cite evidence that will show correlations between the risk factors and behaviors. Offer your opinion on which risk factors you feel can be most readily remedied […]

Drug Abuse/Addiction /4 pages /Follow outline/Peer Reviewed Journals attached/ 8% Plagiarism

   OUTLINE OF ASSIGNMENT Drug Addiction: Development of Addictive tendencies, Prevention and Consequences of addiction Introduction (with Thesis Statement) Body Outline Theoretical explanation of addictive behavior (Skinner’s Operant Conditioning or Pavlov’s Theory of Classical Conditioning) Prevention of addiction Consequences of addiction  Achieving Freedom from Drug addiction (Rehabilitation) Achieving Self-Control through Behavior Modification Conclusion  Reference Instruction […]

psychology dq 1 week 2

Week 2 – Discussion 1     1 1 unread reply.  1 1 reply.      Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion […]

Kilgore College Week 5 Process of Offering Feedback Articles Reflection Paper

This week, we will discuss the process of offering feedback to others. In addition, I am providing an article that outlines a model for designing professional development plans (PDP). The article regarding PDPs is specifically targeted towards counseling and counselor education programs, but I believe you will find it helpful and be able to easily […]

U6 Minimum 250 word discussion

   U6 Minimum 250 word discussion.  Share your insights about ethical principles in psychology by responding to the following questions: What      do you see as the ethical issue or issues involved in the case study you      reviewed? Cite the relevant elements within the APA’s Ethical Principles      of Psychologists and Code of Conduct to support your […]

“Are Psychopaths Treatable?”

Your readings asks a very controversial question, “Are Psychopaths Treatable?” Using your assigned readings for the week, provide a 5 page paper distinguishing the characteristics that make psychopaths challenging to treat. Recapitulate the programs that were evaluated and the results from treatment outcome studies. Discern whether these studies prove that psychopaths are untreatable? What two […]

research paper 1200 words

TOPIC: ethical egoism and explain why—philosophically— it will benefit the world in which we live. Don’t just tell us about the ethical system— tell us how its moral insights will resonate with the needs of modern people. Explain the strengths as well as the weaknesses of this ethical system.  Also, explain what this ethical system […]


Assignment 11 For this assignment you must complete the Collaboration Institutional Training Institute (CITI) Program in order to meet one of the Institutional Review Board To access CITI training, go to https://www.citiprogram.org/ and click on “Register.” Then type in California Southern University in “Select your Organization Affiliation” and agree to Terms of Service to proceed with training.