Entries by Linus

Small Assignment FOR KIM WOODS

This is the assignment. My portion of the assignment is noted below the bullet points (its a team assignment).   Describe the scenario.Describe the student’s behavior that you wish to influence.Describe how you would use feedback and praise with your student to elicit the desired behavior Analysis of at least 100 words on how we […]

Abstract and Annotated Bibliography

  I have started the assignment by selecting 14 APA references that can be used for the assignment. The assignment only requires 10 annotated bibliographies.  My research topic DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS  Research Paper – Abstract and Annotated Bibliography Instructions Abstract An abstract is a 1-paragraph summary of the paper that does not exceed 250 words. Do not […]

Grossmont College Healing the Troubled Mind Paper

More and more people are seeking therapy online for the convenience it offers. What are some possible advantages and disadvantages to online therapy? For example, how can clients verify the qualifications of the therapist? How might the very nature of online therapy differ from an in-person setting in terms of the comfort level of the […]

Role of conflict and power

  Role of Conflict and Power Paper   Select and watch the following movie:       ·       Love Actually (2003; R)   Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper discussing the role of conflict, power, and self-disclosure. Include the following information, and do not simply summarize the movie:   ·       Identify the characters in the […]

Psychology Question 2 options, choose one of the following options

Choose one of the two topics below to use for this discussion.  Please make sure your initial post is 2-3 paragraphs in length.  Feel free to use supporting documentation (other resources) as well. Option 1 Think about what you have learned in this module and how you try to remember information (e.g., for exams, for work, […]

PCN-435 Module 1 DQ 2

Module 1 DQ 2 Using the integrative/multicausal perspective, address the following using the Case Study: Roy from Module 1 DQ 1. Support your answers with evidence. Discuss the differences between psychological addiction and physical addiction as related to the use of tranquilizers, and explain Roy’s addictions. Delineate your biopsychosocial/multicausal perspective as a diagnostic impression (as if you were […]

Assignment 1 PSY 115

Assignment 1: Principles of Success Plan: Three Goals (Milestone 1) Due Week 3 and worth 100 points What are three (3) personal or career goals that you would like to accomplish in the next three to twelve months? Based on the information presented on setting and managing goals in the webtext, identify three personal or […]

Discussion post …. 3 questions due 1/10/2018 by noon

   · How would you describe the evolution of abnormality across time, and how do you define abnormality? · If you were going to conduct a research study to determine whether or not a behavior is “normal” or “abnormal,” what sort of design or methodology do you feel might be effective? · What modern theoretical […]

Assessment Worksheet leading up to a research proposal

Assessment Worksheet   Using the Mental Measurements Yearbook, answer the questions below and identify three measures of the constructs you are studying for your research question reguarding music and emotions..   Research Hypothesis Music at fast tempo is generally rated to be happier than music at slow tempo. Null Hypothesis Music at fast and slow […]

Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality

Write  a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper analyzing the biological and humanistic approaches to personality. Your paper should cover the following areas:Use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to discuss the extent to which growth needs influence personality formation.Describe biological factors that influence the formation of personality.Examine the relationship of biological factors to Maslow’s theory of personality.Explain the […]