Entries by Linus


  Discussion 2: Management of Planned and Unplanned Termination Ending a client relationship can be just as difficult as ending a personal relationship. In fact, while much of the literature addresses when to terminate, a more significant topic is the feelings that surround termination. Depending on the client and the length of treatment, saying goodbye […]

Clinical Psychology Reaction Paper

Due Midnight Thursday the 10TH   Movie: Ordinary People      Link to movie on youtube. Rent movie for $2.99 which is included in my paying price.       Rubric tells you whats expected in DETAIL.  ”  Write a two page DOUBLE SPACED reaction paper from the movie, Ordinary People.   List your reaction […]

Psychology as a Science

Natalie was growing concerned about her daughter Brandi’s school performance. Her grades had dropped since the beginning of the school year, and she seemed reluctant to go to school. On some days, she complained of vague symptoms, such as stomachache or headache. On other days, she simply did not get out of bed. Natalie took […]

questions ONLY PROF DAN

1) Discussion of a question of interest in why did i choose this topic. It means like what did I wanted to learn about this topic in the paper. something specific.   2) Report of findings of the research   3) Lessons learned, understanding of literature, connection to course content (social psychology)  4) Application in life

Miss professor 300 words

Choose one selection test; describe the test and its utility for hiring. Would you recommend your selected test to an organization to enhance their selection process? Explain. 


      Replies   Participated in the discussion by   replying to a minimum of 2 classmates, asking a question, providing a   statement of clarification, providing a point of view with rationale,   challenging a point of discussion, or making a relationship between one or   more points of the discussion.  Each reply post is unique and original   in […]

Problems in Designing an Experimental Research Study

This is a discussion question.   Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read the required articles by Skidmore (2008) and Henrich, Heine, & Norenzayan (2010). Carefully review the PSY635 Week Two Discussion Scenario . Apply the scientific method to the information included within the scenario and develop a null and a research hypothesis […]

Moderation in SPSS

oderation in SPSSReview the datasets that I have attached. Construct a research question based on one of those datasets. The Assignment Based on the research question you created, complete the following tasks:Fit a multiple regression model, using two or more independent variables. Think about whether or not the model will meet assumptions.Fit the model, testing […]

For Exemplary_Professor001 ONLY

Requirement for Psyc 502 Research Paper: The paper (6pages) will compare Existential Therapy and Psychoanalytic Therapy (Frued) as it relates to philosophy, key concepts and tenets, stragtegies and technqiues, and goals. Additionally, the paper will include a discussion of the appropriateness of each approach for culturally and diasibility diverse psoulation. The paper should have a […]