Entries by Linus

Ashford Week 3 Counseling Interventions Annotated Bibliography

Week 3 – AssignmentAnnotated Bibliography[CLOs: 2, 3] Prior to beginning work on your annotated bibliography, review the instructions for your Final Paper, which are listed in Week Five. Next, locate at least three scholarly sources from the university library applicable to the counseling interventions and behavior change models that you intend to reference in your […]

Brochure for a group

In many instances, it may be necessary to advertise your group as a   method to draw in new members. For this assignment, you need to   develop a brochure (one page front and back with graphics and   descriptions) that will “sell” your group as indicated in   Group Design Part One to the public. The brochure should […]

In general, this assignment requires students to (1) identify, examine, and analyze a current event that can be associated with…

In general, this assignment requires students to (1) identify, examine, and analyze a current event that can be associated with mental health using psychological perspectives that have been discussed in class; and (2) outline at least one way to increase the public’s knowledge of mental health issues.    For Part 1 of the paper, each […]

Making a Differential Diagnosis no plagiarism (will provide case study in inbox)

Making a Differential Diagnosis Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please read Chapter 1: Differential Diagnosis Step by Step in DSM-5: Handbook of Differential Diagnosis and review the same case study you used to write your Weeks One and Two discussion forums and Week Three Assignment. For this assignment, you will create a differential diagnosis for […]

Critical and creative thinking assignment

  In 1997, Apple, Inc. supported its “Think Different” marketing campaign with a 1-minute commercial featuring black-and-white footage of 17 iconic 20th-century personalities. The commercial was conceptualized by the Los Angeles-based advertising agency TBWA/Chiat/Day.   Find a copy of this commercial, also known as the “Crazy Ones” commercial, on the Internet and watch it.   […]

Psychology Module 2 #2 rp

  Make an initial post (100 word minimum)  to EACH of the four discussion topics within the first two weeks of the beginning of the course. 2.  Students are required to make at least three reflective posts (100 word minimum) to the comments of other students.    You must begin by first stating “I believe […]

Ashford Week 4 Developmental Influences on Behavior Change Journal Entry

Week Four Journal[CLOs: 1, 4] Prior to beginning work on this week’s journal, please read Chapter 5: Counselor Know Thyself in Meier and Davis (2018), as well as Chapter 4: Developmental Influences on Behavior Change: Children, Adolescents, Emerging Adults, and the Elderly and Chapter 5: Culture, Behavior, and Health in Hilliard, Riekert, Ockene, and Pbert […]