Entries by Linus

ABS 300-2.3.3

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the required textbook chapters and articles for this week. Select two tests about which to write your review. The first test must be selected from List A and the second test must be selected from List B.  Your choice of tests include the following: List A (Select […]

Stress Management

Stress Management Locate an organization that has implemented a stress management program. Compose a 4-6 page paper in which you, acting as a consultant: Discuss the implementation strategy of the organization’s stress management program. Describe the components in the stress management program, including how the program is evaluated and sustained. Include four or more well-described […]

respond to Rundell`s post

  Research showed several different intelligence tests for adults.  Two which I found interesting include the Matrix Matching Test and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition.  The Matrix Matching Test, according to Pluck (2018) this test is faster (about ten minutes long in a power point presentation) and equally effective as other, more complex intelligence […]

Multicultural Competence

For this discussion, select one of the case vignettes from the presentationMulticultural Competence – Case Study from this unit’s first study and imagine that you are the counselor working with the clients or student in this situation. Identify the areas of multicultural competence needed for working with these clients or this student. Identity your personal values […]

Sexual Response Cycle Chart

Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response Cycle to the   Kaplan’s Three Stages of Sexual Response.   Complete the template provided by comparing and   contrasting the  Include the following in the chart: A detailed description of the phases in both models of sexual   response. The differences and similarities between male and     female sexual responses noted in […]


Approaches to Lifespan Development Preparation If you have not already done so, complete the studies for this unit. The second study asked you to choose one of the following influential themes in lifespan development theory and read a scholarly resource (journal article or book chapter) that addresses it: Nature versus nurture. Critical periods and plasticity. […]

Pilosophy Homework

Directions: Please provide detailed and elaborate responses to the following questions.  Your response to each should be a minimum of one half of one page in length and should include examples from the reading assignments.   1.      Can you think of any people whom you consider self-actualized?  What traits do they show?   2.      Can […]

Christianity, and babies as relational

  Write a paper on the following topic: In the discussion of babies as relational, what are some of the relational or attachment behaviors that babies display? Does it make sense to you that this idea could be extrapolated to people of all ages as having an innate drive to “attach” with God? If so, […]

week 4-2

 After reading Robinson’s article “Magnanimity and Integrity as Military Virtues”  and watching this clip from the movie The Bridge on the River Kwai. The bridge on the river Kwai [Movie clip], discuss the following:   Use at least one quote from the required readings and describe the key features of virtue ethics.  Discuss whether Colonel Nicholson’s choice and […]