Entries by Linus

Parenting Selection

  Psychologists are often called upon to conduct parenting assessments for child custody matters in an effort to determine parental fitness. Some experts feel this is not a good test of parental fitness while others prefer the opinion of an expert. Given what you have learned, appraise the value of parenting assessments in child custody […]

Culturally Sensitive and Responsive Counseling

Post a brief description of the cultural consideration you selected. Then, explain two challenges of applying your theoretical orientation to address this cultural consideration when working with couples and families. Explain how you might modify evidence-based interventions to be more culturally sensitive and responsive. Justify your response using evidence-based articles.   Be sure to support […]

Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Epidemic

The number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder has risen dramatically during the past few decades. Researchers are now calling it an urgent health matter; some are even calling it an epidemic. Between 1991 and 1999, the number of children in the United States receiving special education services for autism spectrum disorder rose 500%. […]

Developmental Psychology (Erikson/Piaget) Case Studies

Details: Pick four stages to illustrate early childhood development. Pick two from Erickson’s Stage Theory and two from Piaget’s theory of development. Create one case study for each of the chosen stages, which is a total of four case studies.Label each case study with the theorist/stages relevant to it.Each case study should be a minimum […]

Psychology 103

   Research Article Summary  Find attached articles. Principles of Human Growth and Development, Students who successfully complete the course will meet the following objectives:  I. Written and Oral Communication—demonstrate the skills of accessing, evaluating, and communicating current research pertaining to human development topics by engaging in class discussions, individual or collaborative presentations, and/or written assignments […]

Theories of Social Context

For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources including the “Coping in a Social Context” handout. Consider how social context affects the development and effectiveness of coping mechanisms to manage stress. Think about whether social context has an impact on coping mechanisms for the population you selected in Week 3. With these thoughts in mind: […]


      First   response to classmate posted by Sunday 10   First   response is at least 150 words 10   First   response employs at least 2 citations; one   can be text; other must be from an academic source 10     Second   response to classmate posted by Sunday 10   Second   response is at least 150 […]