Entries by Linus

5 Organizational Culture

Define and discuss various aspects of organization culture (formal vs. informal; strong vs. weak).  This section is your foundation, so it needs to be strong and include additional resources.  Discuss the link between organizational culture and ethical wrongdoings?  Is one combination more toxic than another?  If so, what combination and why? Within your chosen organization, […]

In the morning

You probably notice every day that some objects in the environment are easier to notice than other objects. For example, workers at sports stadiums often wear bright yellow shirts, which are very easy to see. While the crowd may blend in together, the workers are prominent and are easy to notice when you want a […]

FPSY6002 Walden Week 5 Academic Integrity & Plagiarism Discussion

Week 5: Guarding the Integrity of the Profession: Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Introduction As a student, you work hard each week to complete Discussions and Assignments that show your high personal standards and academic ability. Most, if not all, of your Discussion posts or Assignments will make you proud of the work you did. How […]

Journal Article Summary

Because it reports on a single article, this assignment will only have one publication, the article you are summarizing, listed in the required APA formatted attached Reference list. Submissions not meeting this requirement cannot be assigned points. This paper will include a description of the article’s main focus, a description of the experimental methodology (including […]


Darwin had his theory worked out in the early 1840’s. Why did he delay publication and why did he eventually publish in 1859?

Walden University CD and ODD Case Scenario Paper

CD and ODD Case Scenario Assignment 1. Go to ODD and CD 2. Read “Example of ODD” below to answer the following questions : Ten year-old Jessie has been irritable and easily annoyed for over a year now. She often “talks back” to adults or is generally disrespectful. Her parents feel like she is constantly […]

can you help me with this

  My portion is on psychosocial disorder in middle childhood, the disorder i picked is Anxiety disorder. this paper has to me 1-2 pages long . The topic your group chose in class should guide your research for this assignment. You should leverage scholarly articles, which explore the topic in question, to inform your view/paper.  Based […]

M4D2 Ethic

Postmodernism is a response to modernism, the idea that our reasoning abilities provide us access to the Truth about reality. For modernists, it is through our reasoning abilities that we can best develop our moral and social characters. In contrast, postmodernists challenge the notion that there is any kind of universal truth. Indeed, what we […]

Subs 606

 In Inaba & Cohen, the authors describe pathways, theories, and factors involved in substance abuse and addiction. Dr. Lyles in the AACC video also presents biological foundations of addiction. What do you believe are the 3 most important aspects in the development of substance abuse and addiction? Why did you choose those 3 aspects? How […]

assignmentwk3 3

Project: Final Project—Week 3 Milestone For your Final Project, due in Week 5, you will pick one of the three pillars of analysis and complete a research paper on how that pillar can help us understand a religious tradition of your choosing in the context of our globalized culture. Your research paper will be the […]