Entries by Linus

Biopsychology Journal Article 1000 word

 please use the following link for the article.  https://www.nature.com/articles/mp201660 please answer the following questions in the article  What is the main focus of the article? Who is the intended audience? Why is this article important to biopsychology? What is your general first impression? What would you suggest as further research questions? Where have you noticed […]


  Create a mock forensic assessment report based on a  patient in a selected vignette. Provide your diagnostic impressions  based on the DSM-5 criteria. Name the file M4_A2_LastName_LASA_Draft.doc and submit the paper to the Submissions Area. Your instructor will provide feedback by critiquing the  rough draft so that you can make corrections and additions to your final […]

False Memories

Assignment 2: LASA 1: False Memories The US legal system places a lot of importance on eyewitness memory. Most people would report that they can accurately convey what they saw in a particular situation. However, these ideas are not supported by research. Instead, research shows that memory is quite malleable and is affected by many […]

Social & Cultural Diversity -Events and Impact

  I just found out about this assignment and I need it back asap In this module, you learned about events that impacted the Native Americans, the Alaskan Natives, and the Latinos. Reflect on which other historical events may have had a lasting impact on these populations and how these events had a lasting impact. […]

4 QUESTIONS – Forensic Psychology – Competency vs. Insanity

For Psychology majors or experts, please help me with the following 4 questions below.  Please note that it is due in 10 hours; MARCH 1 at 3 pm PST.  NEED APA reference list AND in-text citations.    COMPARE and CONTRAST the differences between the psycholegal issues of competency and insanity (also known as criminal responsibility) […]

Application paper (psychology)

  Preschool Development  Observe the language behavior of a pre­school child (3-6 years) over three (3) periods of at least 30 minutes. You may interact with the child during this time. Record your detailed, objective  observations, then write out your evaluation of the child’s language  development based on the information presented in this course. —must […]

psy 452

In 7-10 slides, not including the title and reference slide, outline your research proposal to present to your classmates. Your PowerPoint will need to include:Introductory section: Including your problem statement and your hypothesis.Methodology section: Including your description of the participants, apparatus/materials/instruments, procedure, and design you anticipate using.Reference slide with APA-formatted reference entries. Be prepared to […]

Norms in Organizational Testing

  When creating or interpreting a test, it is important to consider to whom you will compare your examinees. What is the appropriate population for creating norms? For example, as people age, they tend to get lower scores on tasks requiring speed. Does it make more sense to use age-related norms or should the examinees […]

Reality and Value assumptions Philosophy

This graded assignment is based primarily on the following debate from the “New York Times” for which a link is provided below:  (I have also copied and pasted most of this debate into another document for which I provide a link in Blackboard Learn.  This second link should be easier to print, if you should […]

Summarize videos

I have 5 videos that need to be summaized to one page each video. The length of videos ate between 10 to 15 mins