Entries by Linus


  Plagiarism report is must  Step 1: Asset at Risk will be the organization’s primary e-commerce web server.  Step 2: You will provide this answer based on your research.  Step 3: You will provide this answer based on your research; however, keep in mind how many times per day this is scanning the network, which […]

PSY104: week 5 discussion post 1

Prior to completing this discussion, please read Module 13 in the textbook, including the interactive media tools on theories of attachment, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance. Demonstrate your knowledge of child development by analyzing the relationship between attachment style, as outlined by Mary Ainsworth, and any one of the other topics covered in the […]

PSY-100 Week 3 Normal and Abnormal Behavior Scenarios PowerPoint

PSY-100 Week 3 Normal and Abnormal Behavior Scenarios PowerPoint Prepare and submit a 7- to 10-slide PowerPoint. Use the worksheet provided to guide your completion of this PowerPoint.  You are not required to submit the worksheet. You will be graded on your completion of the following within your PowerPoint: Describe what abnormal and normal behavior […]

Write a 175-word summary on the target behavior in observable and measurable terms. Include the methods that will be used to observe and acquire baseline data. Part 2 Based on the topics you submitted to your instructor in Week 3, track baseline data ov

Part 1   Choose  a target behavior for your Week 5 Self-Management Project.   Write  a 175-word summary on the target behavior in observable and measurable terms. Include the methods that will be used to observe and acquire baseline data.   Part 2 Based on the  topics you submitted to your instructor in Week 3, […]

SS368 Unit 9 DBP

Good Evening,   I need help with answering the following Unit 9 DBP, Min 250 Words   What are some of the most important legal concerns that a physician confronts when assisting in the death of a terminally ill patient? Do you think these legal concerns are justified? Why or why not?   Thank You

Physiological Psychology-A10

Assignment 10 Essays Part III: Your assignments must reflect analysis and synthesis of the learning outcomes for this course. All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness and clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your work. The average […]

Barriers and Differences in Treating Women

Discussion—Barriers and Differences in Treating Women Treating substance-abusing women can be a completely different entity from treating men. Often, women who abuse substances face significant barriers when seeking treatment, and are often in need of therapeutic techniques specifically tailored to suit their needs. Keeping this in mind, and using the textbook, lecture materials, and other […]


  Attached is the two questions that need to be answered  each should have a minimum of 250 words.  THEY MUST BE ANSWERED SEPERATELY.   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////ASSIGNMENT//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Chapter 1 Topic – Social Reproduction and Habitas Discuss both social reproduction and “habitas” as they related to the transmission of social inequality from one generation to another.                    Chapter […]

block buster inc. ltd

  Week 4: Week 4 – W4 Assignment 2  Dropbox Assignment Assignment 2: Presentation You have been invited to present a paper at a conference. The assigned theme for your paper is “The most urgent individual OB issues facing organizations today.” Your audience is largely a practitioner audience. However, your paper needs to be supported […]

Topic: There’s an App for That!

Your job for this discussion board is to choose a developmental period and design an app that would apply to them. It could be a game, a self-help app, a parenting resource app, etc. For your discussion thread:Describe your app. What is the purpose? How does it work?Identify the target audience for your app (i.e., […]