Entries by Linus

Substance related disorders powerpoint

Create a 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on substance-related disorders that includes the following:Describes treatment options based on theoretical models and current researchExplains the behavioral criteriaDiscusses potential causes and incidence rates Include a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources. Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines

Short Answer Statements

In a Word document, provide short answers to the statements below. Refer to the “Cultural Considerations Resource” for help in completing this assignment. Explain cultural considerations that the counselor must account for when working with a client from each of the following groups (100-150 words each):Immigrants (Documented and Undocumented)Refugees Discuss the cultural issues and trends […]

Project (Interview) Sociology of Sport

For this assignment, contact an athletic director, recreation manager, YMCA director, or someone who runs an athletic department. If that person is local, please schedule a time and date to meet with this person for a personal interview. If the individual is not local, you may use Skype, Join Me, Zoom, or any other conferencing […]

**KIM WOODS** Construct Development, Scale Creation, and Process Analysis Paper

Please see the sub-threads titled MINDFULNESS OPERATIONAL DEFINITION and MINDFULNESS DOMAIN AND SCALING for explicit details about our measurement, which we are officially calling the Mindfulness Meter (MM).  The sub-threads should fill in any blanks about norms and generalization, as well as what population would be best suited to the instrument. Part I: Construct Development […]

Write a 500-600 word paper identifying some of the technology used by law enforcement in carrying out their duties.

Write a 500-600 word paper identifying some of the technology used by law enforcement in carrying out their duties. In your paper:Discuss how these advances have changed the way police do business.Support your argument with outside references.Be sure to cite your resource(s).Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement.  You may use your […]

psy 610 discussion

  uman beings are fundamentally social. In this discussion, we will consider connection—from attraction to dissolution, and liking to love—by providing advice regarding various relationship concerns. To inform your thinking on this topic, begin by reading “Transmission of Aggressions through Imitation of Aggressive Models” (Bandura, Ross, & Ross, 1961), “”From Jerusalem to Jericho”: A study […]

Annotated Bibliography and Outline for PhD doctorate

Provide an annotated bibliography (750-1,000 words total) of the articles listed above. Including the following for each article:The article citation and persistent link. These are provided above for you to paste into the assignment and are not included in the total word count.A written summary of the key concept(s) of the article. Why was the […]

Option 2: Transfer of Learning Paper Select specific detailed examples of learning theories (behaviorism, social cognitive, information processing and constructivism) in the video that demonstrate methods to apply transfer of learning concepts in a speci

Option 2: Transfer of Learning Paper   Select specific detailed examples of learning theories (behaviorism, social cognitive, information processing and constructivism) in the video that demonstrate methods to apply transfer of learning concepts in a specific workplace of your choosing. Forensic psycologist  my area of choice in workplace please use this…   Prepare a 3- […]