Entries by Linus


  Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on spatial organization.   Describe the following:The concept of spatial organizationHow spatial organization affects visual perceptionHow perception influences behavior Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Unit 2 Power Point Presentation General Psychology

Unit Assignments Unit II PowerPoint Presentation Imagine that you are a practicing psychologist, and you are the featured presenter for the upcoming psychology conference. Your chosen topic centers upon factors that influence human behaviors and cognitions. In your presentation, you want to teach the audience about biological, evolutionary, and environmental factors that influence behaviors. To […]


1. Describe key campaign strategies that a U.S. presidential candidate can use in order to ascend to presidency in today’s political environment. Then, compare at least two such successful strategies that were used in the past by U.S. presidential candidates.         1. discuss at least two (2) ways in which gender stereotyping […]

classical conditioning

In this assignment you will learn to identify the components of classical conditioning in real life situations. Please identify appropriate components in each of the situations listed below and write two paragraph summary sharing what you learned in this assignment.    1. Geraldine had an automobile accident at the corner of 32nd Street and Cherry […]

SOCW 6510, Week5 Assignment 2

  Assignment 2: Policy and Client Impact Development For this assignment, you are expected to identify a sub-population within the field agency, then research and discuss with your field coordinator the state and federal policies that may impact the identified clients. Finally, discuss if there is a possibility for you to advocate on behalf of […]

Naturalistic Observation Exercise

  Please include reference from:     Passer, M. (05/2014).   Research Methods, 1st Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from https://kaplan.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781464198991/   Original answer, No Plagerism   Find a crowded area where there are people for at least fifteen minutes (e.g., mall, restaurant, baseball game, or waiting room). Create a research question and hypothesis that […]