Entries by Linus

Physical Assessment Of A Child To That Of An Adult

Compare the physical assessment of a child to that of an adult. In addition to describing the similar/different aspects of the physical assessment, explain how the nurse would offer instruction during the assessment, how communication would be adapted to offer explanations, and what strategies the nurse would use to encourage engagement.

Therapy With Children And Adolescents

Post an explanation of the most likely DSM-5 diagnosis for the client in the case study. Be sure to link those behaviors to the criteria in the DSM-5. Then, explain group therapeutic approaches you might use with this client. Explain expected outcomes for the client based on these therapeutic approaches. Finally consider legal and ethical implications […]

Difference between Hypo and Hyperglycemia

Using the community Health Assessment Toolkit and step 5: Prioritize community health issues 1: which criteria listed have assisted you in determining what is priority due to your analysis of your community. APA Format 400-450 words Severity of the problem – my priority based on the list. My Community: 25-50 years Old Female Site of […]

religious beliefs about the sources of the illness

The following post is from another student to wish i have to reply adding some extra information. less than 20 % similarity   Protection is an essential requirement of human life, particularly in health, due to the association of spirits in diseases. It’s thought that spirituality in most religious origins fosters the link together with […]

mental health complications

respond   Leadership symbolizes a set of abilities and skills that are used to create and share specific visions and objectives. They include coaching and educating, advocating, and improving the quality of care (Lamb, Martin-Misener, Bryant-Lukosius, & Latimer, 2018). As advanced practice nurses, we obtain a level of experience and knowledge to understand and promote […]

Therapeutic Relationships

NRSG210 Mental Health Nursing 201430 1 FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES School of NURSING, MIDWIFERY & PARAMEDICINE MacKillop Campus SEMESTER 1 2014 NRSG 210: Mental Health Nursing UNIT OUTLINE Credit points: 10 Prerequisites : Foundation Year Units or equivalent Co-requisites: NIL It is your responsibility as a student to ensure that you have the prerequisites or […]

Theoretical Aspect Of The Clinical Reasoning Cycle

Mrs Williamson is a 76-year-old woman admitted to your Orthopaedic ward from the Emergency Department (ED) after she had a fall at home. The ED doctor has referred Mrs Williamson for investigations regarding a possible left foot metatarsal bone fracture and ordered further investigations. Mrs Williamson has had an initial dose of 1000mg Panadol in […]


I am looking for help with a nursing paper for pathophysiology A simple 4 page paper I have attached the grading criteria with the required formatting Topic is Obesity So would include risk factors, BMI, treatment, differences for men and women, diet, life style, how sleep/stress and exercise would influence this, and any other related […]