Entries by Linus


I am attaching a document called “The Four Temperaments.” I. The first part of the assignment is for you to analyze your results according to what Hippocrates and Galen believed about the four bodily fluids. In one robust paragraph tell me why you resulted in this Bodily Humour. What does this mean about you? What […]

Major Approaches to Clinical Psychology

Major Approaches to Clinical Psychology  s Objectives:  THIS ASSIGNMENT REQUIRES A WRITTEN PAPER AND AN IN CLASS POWER POINT PRESENTATION REFLECTING INFORMATION YOU WROTE ABOUT IN THE PAPER.  InstructionsGeneralized anxiety disorder   Create and present in class a 10 to 15 minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with 7 to 10 slides  including Title Slide and Reference Slide which […]

EDCE 611 Quiz 1 Liberty University Answers (2018)

IMPORTANT: AFTER PURCHASE, OPEN THIS PAGE AGAIN AND SCROLL DOWN BELOW TO DOWNLOAD FILES WITH ANSWERS.   EDCE 611 Quiz 1 Liberty University Answers 1. Mid-adolescence is a time for developing 2. The counselor and teacher may share the responsibility for implementing the classroom guidance model. 3. Which of the following characterize emotional development during mid-adolescence? […]

PCN-509 Week 7 Short Answer Statements

In a Word document, provide short answers to the statements below. Refer to the “Cultural Considerations Resource” for help in completing this assignment. Explain cultural considerations that the counselor must account for when working with a client from each of the following groups (100-150 words each): Immigrants (Documented and Undocumented) Refugees Discuss the cultural issues […]

Ethics and Social Justice

  Assignment 1: Discussion—The Future of Social Security In the last few years, the fate of the Social Security administration has come into question. The system faces various challenges like the growing number of retirees and the shrinking number of workers paying into the system. In this module, you will look at possible solutions to […]

Legal/Ethical Aspects of Professional Psychology

Write a 600-word paper in which you examine the legal aspects of recordkeeping and providing expert testimony. As part of your examination, address the following items: Provide specific examples of what each enforceable standard requires or prohibits.Provide a rationale for your proposed actions in your example and why they are consistent with ethical guidelines. no introduction […]

Relapse and Pain

ALL WORK MUST BE COMPLETELY ORIGINAL AS IT GOES THROUGH A TURNITIN PROGRAM   Relapse and Pain One of the largest hurdles in recovering from a substance use disorder does not concern getting sober, but rather, staying sober over time. Relapse is a constant threat; clients are consistently battling against their triggers to remain sober. […]