Entries by Linus

The Future of Healthcare

    The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a landmark legislation that is considered by many to be the most significant advance in the United States healthcare policy since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. However, the ACA is not without controversy stemming from opponents all along the political […]

whats your problem discussion 3

Week 3: You Can’t Get There From Here: Reasoning and Pathways A traveler comes upon a farmer and asks him for directions to his destination. The farmer scratches his head and begins to give directions, but then stops, shakes his head, and begins again. After a few attempts the farmer says, “You can’t get there […]

300 W4 Discussion

For this discussion, section find TWO (2) peer-reviewed academic journal articles that directly relate to your research topic for this class. Then, briefly… 1.  Describe the articles and discuss the types of survey questions they asked 2.  In greater detail address the measures that the authors used. Be sure to include a description of any scales or indexes […]

Need it by Sunday Afternoon! APA No Plagiarism!

   Unit 3 Learning Activity In this learning activity entry, you will focus on consolidation in cognitive therapy. As mentioned when we began this process in Unit 1, one helpful rule of thumb is that it often takes about 21 days to establish a new habit. This will be your third week to focus on […]

PSYC 100 Paper "Media Review Paper"

   This assignment provides an opportunity to apply psychological theory in the exploration of a book or film. Students choose a film or book of special interest. The book or film should have content that can be meaningfully explored through application of psychological theory and research. Students can look at some of the later chapters […]

Children of Divorce Group Brochure

In many instances, it may be necessary to advertise your group as a method to draw in new members. For this assignment, you need to develop a brochure (one page front and back with graphics and descriptions) that will “sell” your group as indicated in Group Design Part One to the public. The brochure should […]