Entries by Linus

Research methods in neuroscience

After reading Chapter 5, Methods and Strategies in Research in the course text, choose an original peer-reviewed research article from the Week Two Articles List (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. provided  (or get approval from the instructor for another article). The list of articles will allow you to become familiar with a variety of […]

Week Three Quiz PSY/245 r2

University of Phoenix Material     Week Three Quiz   1. When we do an experiment , we a. measure independent variables b. produce dependent variables c. produce control variables d. produce a comparison e. hold independent variables constant 2. The control group in an experiment a. fixes the level of a variable across all experimental […]

phys 101 forum Reflection on Learning

Must be a min of 400 words  1. Share three “take-away” elements of the course that added to your understanding of human psychology and that you believe will serve you well in the future in both your personal and professional lives and explain why. NOTE: Here you are sharing learning that was and that you […]

Career Counselor Interview

Career Counselor Interview You have been presented with information on a range of key elements of career counseling including the application of theory, utilization of online resources, assessment tools, ethical considerations, multicultural issues, and counseling techniques. You have also had opportunities to apply this information via case studies. At this point in the course, you […]

Gender Influences in Relationships

  Due Sunday 03/27/16 by 10:00 PM (22:00) Please have done by deadline I have got burnt over and over again.   Any Questions Ask Please…. Please follow the professor’s instructions to the tee. Focus on the Red Text..   Thank You for all your help…. J   A person’s relationships are usually significant contributors […]

Cultural differences

Chart included on attachment please use- APA  format times Roman – must use link as 1 of the sources and another credible source-12point font INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED MUST BE FOLLOWED 

Theoretical Analysis Paper

   Theoretical Analysis (5 pages) · Analyze theories for the treatment of compulsive and addictive behaviors as they apply to group methods. · Synthesize trends in compulsive and addictive behavior research as they apply to group methods.  Must use minimum of 3 peer reviewed resources