Entries by Linus

reading from schultz and Schultz modern psychology

  ase discuss the following questions: According to Titchener, what is the proper subject matter for psychology? How does it differ from the subject matter of other sciences? What is the stimulus error? Give an example. How, in Titchener’s view, could the stimulus error be avoided? Describe the difference between experience as independent of the […]

Positive Psychology and Spirituality

Positive Psychology and Spirituality Substance abuse counseling lends itself nicely to the integration of positive psychology and spirituality. While both of these therapy approaches have been explored for many years, the integration into substance abuse counseling is a relatively new development. As such, many clients may not be aware of the techniques in positive psychology […]

Test in PSY

Before you send handshakes I am going to really look over your profile if your major was not PSY than please do not waste my time and I assure you I will not waste yours either.   This is what I would need is someone to log into my College Account as me, and go […]

Preparing for Informational Interview

See attachment please its the Job Resources.  Ready within 24 hour please and thank you!   Assignment 3: Preparing for the Informational Interview An informational interview is a recommended tool for exploring career options. This assignment is designed to prepare you for an informational interview of a professional in the field of psychology. You will […]

topic proposal and reference page

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to select a topic in the particular area in which you have an occupational or research interest,(In this case something related to helping child and adolescents, i want to be a counselor) and to locate a minimum of ten scholarly references. A helpful […]

Assignment 3: Biopsychosocial-Cultural Model

Assignment 3: Biopsychosocial-Cultural Model Traditionally, mental illness was considered a biological problem, either inherited or developed due to genetic vulnerability within the individual. This point of view is termed the medical model. Treatment was provided to the individual in one-to-one meetings with a psychiatrist or sessions with a psychotherapist. The field of mental health has […]

Identify Course Project

   For the course project, you will develop a plan to undertake a complex negotiation. You will select a negotiation scenario and have it approved by your course instructor. The negotiation may be one of the following: · A negotiation event that you either anticipate occurring or have previously experienced (e.g., a home sale or […]