Entries by Linus

HealthCare Policy Development Process

Assignment Content Within our health care system there are a number of stakeholders that influence the health care policy development process and ultimately help shape our health care policies. Government (primarily federal and state governments) and interest groups like the American Medical Association, AARP, and the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation can have a direct […]

Long Term Healthcare Outline

Long Term Care is the topic. Your initial outline for your course project paper is due this module. Prepare a 1-2-page document that outlines how you will organize your course project paper. Your outline will be the skeleton from which you will write your project. Your outline should contain an idea for your introduction (the […]

Can Technology and Behavior Be Diffused

Post a brief description of a population segment (by race, ethnicity, economic status, geographical location, etc.). Then, explain the relationship between health inequality/inequities and common biological or behavioral risk factors that have been linked to a particular disease in that population segment. Finally, describe the relationship between health inequality/inequities and life expectancy for that population. […]

Covid 19 Health Administration Preparation for Pandemic

COVID-19 Health Administration Preparation for Pandemic 1. Consider the current COVID-19 pandemic we are in. As a health care administrator, working in a skilled nursing facility, you are responsible for disaster planning for your facility inclusive of operations, staff and patients. You will need to write up a 3-page disaster plan. This disaster plan will […]

Transportation Strategies for Logistic

Transportation Strategies for Logistic Responses (individual) This is a 5-8 minute PPT presentation describing your approach to providing transportation resources to support disaster operations. You must focus on method- Air, The key is to identify what resources you will need and how you intend to support/resource it. This does not need to be detailed; by […]

Management of a Depressed Patient Using Genetic Information

Please see this website it has all the reading assignments and notes needed to complete this assignment. http://openonlinecourses.com/ehr/SpecifyingSystemRequirementsInfo.asp – Please see all the readings under the “Assigned Reading” – Then do the assignment under “Do One assignment: Design How Genetic Info can be used…” You can skip “What do you know?” and “More” sections

Infectious Disease how The We Could Have Prevented the Outbreak

This week, you will conduct an outbreak investigation of a disease. You are an epidemiologist for your local health department, and you are conducting an outbreak investigation of the disease you chose for this week’s discussion. In your role as a health department official, you are interviewing a fictitious patient who has/had this disease. Using […]

Movable Feast Program Evaluation Report

How do you plan to report and use the findings of this study? Quarterly and annual reports will be provided to the Strategy Team and full collaborative. The Strategy Team is responsible for working with the local evaluator to complete an annual Evaluation Progress