Entries by Linus

Educational Autobiography

 Writing an “Educational Autobiography” is a method of reflection on what has occurred in your lives in terms of your learning experiences, and the key life-educational events that have shaped your views of and the way you see  yourself in terms of your intellect. 


Know the Enemy: Nonstate Actors In M3 Assignment 1, you conducted research on intelligence threats to the U.S., with a focus on state actors. In this assignment, you will research nonstate actors. Nonstate actors are groups with motivations not tied to a government. Their loyalties may be motivated by group ties or affiliations (such as in the […]

Social and Cultural Diversity Paper

Refer to the “Social and Cultural Diversity Paper Writing Instructions” for a detailed explanation of the requirements for the Social and Cultural Diversity Paper that you will be developing throughout the course.  You should have been working on the draft of this paper since you developed the outline early in the course. For this assignment, […]

eMOTION (Benchmark Assessment)

(1)       In the Observation column, write that which you observed in terms of instructional practice, behavior interventions and modifications, and systems. Be thorough and complete in your observations. (2) In the Reflection column, write your reflection in terms of whether or not you believe this instruction, behavior, or system to be effective. Do this […]

rapid review

Rapid Review 3 Select a psychoactive drug that is of pharmacological interest to you, but not one you will review as part of your Critical Review or one that was included in your previous Rapid Reviews. For this paper, you may choose drugs of abuse; however, the paper must focus on the pharmacology of the […]


Unit8Disc1 To V or Not to V Resources Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions. Professional Communications and Writing Guide. In this unit, you are introduced to personality tests and issues with their development and use. One particular area of debate involves the inclusion of validity scales in tests of personality. While many concerns may exist, […]

Aristotle help

Aristotle maintains that the highest good is ‘happiness’ (‘eudaimonia’ in Greek). Please write an essay about Aristotle’s concept of eduaimonia that answers the following questions:What, in your own words, does Aristotle mean by ‘eudaiomonia’?For Aristotle, does the highest good of happiness include those moments when you experience intense pleasure? Why or why not?If, for Aristotle, […]

Psy450 Week 5 Powerpoint

 Imagine you are a consultant for an organization, and they would like you to work on developing their core values. The organization would like their core values to reflect key attributes of their culture. Select an organization, such as a company, community group, or nonprofit organization. Create a 10- to 12- slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation […]


 As you have gathered in the previous weeks, social psychological insight is relevant to many fields. Some branches of social psychology are specifically focused on application.  In this discussion, we will consider practical applications beyond the scope of previous material. To inform your thinking on this topic, begin by perusing The Stanford SPARQ Solutions Catalog […]