Entries by Linus


   Assignment 2: RA 1: Organizational Development Intervention Presentation For this assignment, you will be creating an organizational development (OD) intervention strategy presentation of approximately 6–8 slides for a fictitious company. Your ability to persuade and influence leadership with precise and concise points is key to good consulting. Your knowledge and emotional intelligence are needed […]


       Week 4 Milestone: The Religious Approach    to Social Issues As you have    read, all religious traditions share three basic characteristics from which    we may analyze the religion and compare it to other religions. For your    Final Project, you will focus on a single pillar of analysis from which you    will engage in a deeper […]

Ethics – Final

  Begin Final Exam The final exam is composed of10 brief scenarios that are based on your reading of the textand laws and ethics of psychologists. Culture must be considered in your responses when relevant. You may bring outside resources on culture to enhance your responses, along with the course text and notes.   You […]

Pediatric project Muscular Dystrophy

Research project about Muscular Dystrophy (include Duchenne vs. Becker; include Modified Vignos Lower- Extremity Scale and North Star Ambulatory Assessment), Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT) in pediatric patient. focusing on the treatment for Physcial therapist and physical therapist assistants. 

Assignment 1: The Literature Review and Final Reflection

  A strong literature review not only plays a foundational role for setting up a research proposal and/or dissertation but also plays an important role in the results and discussion sections that are presented after the data has been collected and analyzed. As you move into this module’s discussion, consider all you have learned about […]

Write an 8-page paper outlining the essential elements of healthy sexuality. Using the course materials(textbook and attached lecture notes) and external research, this paper will describe the ways in which healthy sexuality contributes to an individual's

   Perspectives on Sexuality Paper  Write an 8-page paper outlining the essential elements of healthy sexuality. Using the course materials(textbook and attached lecture notes) and external research, this paper will describe the ways in which healthy sexuality contributes to an individual’s wholeness and well-being. Your paper should specifically address the following elements: 1. Define intimacy […]


Unit6Disc2 Higher IQs: Is It Something in the Water? In this unit, you are introduced to James R. Flynn who, in 1984, presented evidence regarding intelligence inflation over time, which he labeled as the Flynn Effect. There have been a variety of factors proposed as explanations for this phenomenon. For example, improvements in educational opportunities […]

Assignment 2: Occupational Health and Safety

Assignment 2: Occupational Health and Safety Consider the information presented in this unit regarding occupational health and safety.  Prepare an article for a newspaper (approximately 3 pages) that discusses the top 10 causes of accidents in the work place and the steps that can be taken to reduce the number of those accidents.  Support your […]


  You wake up to your vehicle having a flat tire and will be approximately fifteen (15) minutes late to your Friday morning meeting. Your boss is away from her office, so you know the quickest way to reach her is via text message. Compose and send a text to your manager notifying her of […]