Entries by Linus

Aging Journal

In this assignment, you will explore your views on death, fears you may have, and ideas regarding ageism in modern society.  Write a 525-word journal entry discussing aging. This is a personal reflective journal, and it is not necessary to cite any sources. Include the following: Provide a brief reflection on you and your classmates’ […]

Substance Abuse Treatment

  Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on substance abuse treatment. Include the following: Describe contemporary substance abuse and addiction treatment strategies. Compare treatment strategies for various correctional facilities. Recommend one treatment strategy for a specified correctional population, and justify your recommendation. Describe potential legal and ethical challenges faced by corrections professionals in the treatment of […]

PCN-515 Module 4 DQ 1

Module 4 DQ 1 What are challenges you might face when working with the client who falls into the category of “learned helplessness”?    

Learning Self-Regulation of Behavior

Watch the first 30 minutes of the “Breaking the Cycle” video available on the student website. Select and complete the following assignment: Option 1:Self-Regulation Presentation Using material in textbook readings for this week, create a 3 slideMicrosoft®PowerPoint®presentation with speaker notes to explain the processes of self-regulation of learning described in the video. Address the following in your presentation: Don’t […]

The psychology of self-motivation |

 Watch Video         The psychology of self-motivation | Scott Geller | TEDxVirginiaTech      Duration: 15:54       COMMENT ON THE SUBJECT OF THE VIDEO

psy 345 week 4 Speech and Hearing Brochure

 Your team is interning at a speech and hearing center. You have been tasked with creating an educational brochure for hearing impaired clients. Create a brochure that includes the following: An explanation of the perceptual process for hearingA description of the factors that contribute to auditory localizationA description of the influence of auditory perception on behaviorA […]

intro to crime and causes

Assignment 2: Introduction to Crime and Causes FOLLOW GRADING CRITERIA  Write an analysis of each article or news story addressing the following: Describe the crime depicted in the article. How is criminal justice system portrayed? What feelings or reactions are evoked in you by the article? How would you explain the reported criminal behavior using […]