Entries by Linus

PSY 340 Week 4 Regulatory Behavior Paper

  Week 4 Regulatory Behavior Paper Choose a specific regulatory behavior. Write a 1,250- to 1,500-word paper that includes the following: Explain the role of the nervous system. Describe the effect of fear, aggression, or anxiety on the specified behavior. Explain the function of the hormones involved and how they relate to the behavior. Describe the effects […]

How Effective is Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Effectiveness of CAM Treatments   Discuss how CAM can improve people’s health and well-being, as well as how it impacts their lives psychologically, physiologically, socially, and professionally.   Support your position with at least two scholarly or peer-reviewed sources, in addition to the textbook and this week’s required/recommended readings.   TEXT:   Micozzi, M. S. […]

paper with cover page and references

Research a community issue of your choice in which advocacy efforts were executed. Write a 1,500- to 2,000-word paper discussing the impact of the advocacy efforts in relation to the social and political climate. Address the following:Choose an issue in your community that was affected by the social and political climate.Examples include childhood obesity, food […]

Discussion/response survey mathematics

please login in at https://campus.purdueglobal.edu/ login:LeshaelaWilliams Damarcio1030 assignment:  Linear equations allow us to use math to model the real world. Linear equations can be used to determine the sale price of a sweater on clearance, the cost of a taxi ride, how many yards of material you need to make a banner for the football […]

clinical method

Show how the two varieties of the clinical method for studying the brain are illustrated by (a) Phineas Gage and (b) Tan 

Post Discussion: The Case of Terri Schiavo

  Read The Case of Terri Schiavo on page 494 of the text (Ferrini & Ferrini, 2012). Based on information in the text, outside literature research, and your ethical reasoning, discuss the following:   ·         Briefly state what you believe should have been the outcome of this situation.   ·         Answer 3 of the discussion […]


Hi I am looking for someone who can work on this assignment and can have it back on Friday night or early Saturday morning. I have provided an example.


Select one of the treatment approaches below and provide a brief description of the treatment for a developmental disability that includes a discussion on evidence based practice (EBP) or best practice behind the treatment.  A total of two cited references are required, one discussing the EBP. Your completed paper should be 750-1,000 words. Applied Behavioral […]

psychology hw

please see the attachment and write 5 paragraphs in 2 pages about any topic related to early adulthood, you’ll want to narrow it down, be more specific.  also, outline for the essay. and the third paper include 2 references the first one from discovering the lifespan 3rd edition book the second one from internet  attachment […]