Entries by Linus

Explain the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation.

For this assignment please consider the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation. In 1,000-1,250 words, do the following: In your own words explain the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation. Discuss controversies that have stemmed from gender identity and sexual orientation. Discuss specific research methods commonly used to investigate gender identity and sexual […]

Prof. [email protected]

  Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you discuss causes of psychopathology.   Address the following:  Provide a brief overview of how culture is a factor determining the expression of psychopathology. Examine causes of psychopathology by using either the biopsychosocial or the diathesis-stress models. Explain the changes in society’s perception of psychopathology as […]

Assignment 1: Analysis of Research on Death Row Inmates

  Psychologists conducting research using historical and contemporary data must make sure that different demographic populations of offenders are not compared with each other. For example, when studying crime rates, much more information can be gleaned by separating male and female offenders, offenders from different age groups, and offenders from different socioeconomic strata.   Using […]

No plagiarism cited grammar correct .

PTSD is my research question  Research Question and Hypothesis After reading the feedback on your proposed quantitative research question in M1 Assignment 2, provide your revised quantitative research question. Next, develop a hypothesis for the research question (Include a null and an alternative hypothesis for your question.). Keep in mind that a hypothesis is a […]

Psychological Testing

 The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to explore and think systematically and critically about an issue or topic in psychological testing (defined very broadly, not just restricted to topics in the textbooks).   General Considerations As indicated on the syllabus, these criteria will be used to evaluate the work of […]


W8 Assignment: Habits, Stress and Health Fundamentals of Psychology Habits, Stress and Health   Write a 1 to 2 page essay exploring   how personal habits, stress, and health interact; discuss the difference in the medical model’s view of health and the view of the biopsychosocial model; and describe the work of professionals in the […]

socw 6111 week 5 Assignment 2

 Assignment 2: Policy and Client Impact Development   For this assignment, you are expected to identify a sub-population within the field agency, then research and discuss with your field coordinator the state and federal policies that may impact the identified clients. Finally, discuss if there is a possibility for you to advocate on behalf of […]

Paper On Healthy Sexuality Topic, See Description

  The purpose of this assignment is to research one of the topics you have covered in this course. You will collect 10 scholarly research articles written within the last  10 years on a particular topic related to sex and sexuality (i.e. pornography, extramarital affair, teen pregnancy, homosexuality, etc.).  Articles should come from scholarly research […]

personality psychology

The nature versus nurture debate, as it relates to human development, has perplexed mankind for centuries.  In the field of human behavior, the question frequently arises as to how much of human behavior is due to environment and how much is due to genetic influence.  Review the Nature and Nurture Predispose to Violent Behavior article […]