Entries by Linus

Assignment 3: Calculating Return on Investment

  Assignment 3: Calculating Return on Investment One of the challenges within training and development is providing decision makers with the bottom-line outlook regarding the programs of discussion. Leaders often wonder how much a training or development program will cost and what the short term or long-term impact will be of the training program. Practicing […]


Preparation Identify the ways delivery of sport psychology services may be evolving given the availability of modern technology and alternative types of communication. For example, consider how clients and consultants would potentially use text messaging, e-mail, videoconferencing, different social media platforms, and evolving technology (such as apps or biofeedback technology) within the application of sport […]

Use the document “Probability Project” to complete the assignment.

 Details: Use the document “Probability Project” to complete the assignment. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. PSY520-RS-ProbabilityProject.docx 

ABC Functional Behavior Assessment

Kaplan University Psychology / Applied Behavior Analysis CE300: Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood   Functional Behavior Assessment   All of us have witnessed problem behavior in a variety of settings. Many people are familiar with this situation in the checkout line at the grocery store!   A four-year-old child walks to the checkout line […]

Countering Age-Related Stereotypes

  Many people fear and dread the late adulthood stage of life because they believe what awaits them is ill health and cognitive decline. While that description fits some adults in later life, it certainly does not describe them all. Many older adults lead healthy, active lives and are closely connected to their families and […]

Data Analysis

This assignment is one in a progression of assignments that will move you toward your final research proposal. Refer to the Final Research Proposal document for information about the final proposal. Building upon the research question and nonexperimental design method you completed in Module 4, create some hypothetical quantitative data from your data collection method. […]

350 words

  What us Authentic Sexuality? In what ways does this influence the way a person experiences a relationship?

Research the 1976 Trial of Patricia Hearst

Assignment 2: Research the 1976 Trial of Patricia Hearst You are an employee of the Jury Consultation Corporation. Imagine it is 1976, and Patricia Hearst has just been charged with armed robbery. You have been hired by the defense to assist in developing a strategy to help to acquit her. Find answers to the following […]

Biopsychosocial Assessment: Part 1

MUST USED ATTACHED TEMPLATE MUST BE ORIGINAL WORK Refer back to the movie you selected and watched or the case study you read during Topic 1. Consider the character you selected or the person from the case study and complete a biopsychosocial assessment about your selected person using the provided biopsychosocial template. Only complete Part […]