Entries by Linus

Aggression and Bullying in workplace

Literature Review: Introduction and Summary The literature review is the second chapter of your dissertation. It is a place where you synthesize the information you have been reading and demonstrate how it all connects to your dissertation topic. This assignment will allow you to begin developing, if you have not already started, your literature review […]

honest business writer

 In a study of 14,000 undergraduate students in the Beat the Cheat article, two-thirds admitted to cheating on assignments or tests (Novotney, 2011). Are you surprised by this statistic? Is it higher or lower than you expected? Why or why not? What are the most common reasons why students cheat? Do you think it is […]

PSYCH625 Statistics homework, need help

 Part A       Some questions in Part A require that you access data from Statistics for People Who (Think T hey) Hate Statistics . This data is available on the student website under the Student Text Resources link.          Practice the following problems by hand just to see if you […]

PSYCH201 Ashford University Cultural Diversity Discussion

WILL PROVIDE BOOK DETAILS DISCUSSION 1: Read the case scenarios of Cheryl and Rodney on pages 187-188. Choose one case scenario and respond to the questions in either Activity 8.1 or 8.2. Reply with a substantial post to two other posts. Be sure one is the opposite of who you chose and the other the […]

Psychological Assessment I-A4

Assignment    4  Prepare an essay describing the various components that comprise the main aspects of this week’s required readings. Please include details on what your readings covered and provide ideas and opinions on the overall content of the readings. Provide examples where appropriate and express opinions. To substantiate your opinions, you must use and reference […]

What are the characteristics of the mixed-quality student? Which do you think are most important? Your response should be at least 75 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used,

       What are the characteristics of the mixed-quality student? Which do you think are most important?   Your response should be at least 75 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and […]

Psychological Disorders and Treatment

For this Assignment, you will apply the course material by answering the following questions in a 2-4 page, double-spaced paper. In completing this Assignment, be sure to use specific examples and references from the text. You will need a cover page, which includes your name, the name of the class and section, and the date. […]


 KL 200 word reply   Doweiko (2015) defines a dual-diagnosis patient as one that has both a substance use disorder and a mental illness. For many years the belief was a person would develop a mental disorder as a result of their substance abuse, however, evidence disproves that theory and it is important to treat […]


You are a Senior Trainer at your company. Your boss, the Training Manager has tasked you with the following. Design and facilitate a one-day (eight-hour long) classroom experience in which you need to help develop a group of engineers and software programmers to become project managers. After training, they will have to manage some significant […]