Entries by Linus


Knowing your personality type and characteristics can be insightful in regard to vocational choices. In your initial post: In section 8.4 of your course text, locate the breakout box that says “Using Psychology to Inform Your Learning: Your RIASEC Profile”. Click on the O*NET Interest Profiler to take the Holland Personality Self-Assessment and summarize the […]


   “Health Demand, Elasticity, Principle and Agent in Determining Demand for Medical Care”  Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, compare the primary individual factors that  influence demand, and explain the significant ways in which each affects  the demand curve. Provide at least one (1) example of these factors to  support your rationale. Imagine a […]

Assignment 2: RA: Vignette Analysis: Design Interventions

  Assignment 2: RA: Vignette Analysis: Design Interventions An  important part of the skills you will develop in this course is the  ability to design appropriate interventions, and that includes designing  an assessment strategy appropriate to the particular client treated. In  this assignment, you will create an assessment strategy based on the  information provided in […]

300 words

How can we motivate ourselves more effectively through reinforcement?

1200 words safety plan

Create a 1,200 word safety plan for a client similar to Ted, who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia that addresses potential depression and suicidality. Include the following in your safety plan:     What symptoms would a client with schizophrenia exhibit? What symptoms did Ted display?     How would you have addressed Ted’s symptoms related to delusions, hallucinations, […]

Can this be done by 1pm tomorrow?

Social capital and disaster Earlier Earlier in the course, you explored how organizations plan for population needs and necessary services by implementing needs assessment surveys. Organizations and their funders want to know that program planning is done in an efficient and fiscally responsible way. Once programs are in place and services are being rendered, they […]

philosophy writing assignment

In your written component of the Final Project, you will analyze an argument in relation to a specific issue. Then, you will respond to that argument by providing a counterargument. Please choose one reading or media artifact from the  Final Project Argument Options. Be sure to choose an issue in which you are interested and […]

PSY 280 Week 4 Individual Assignment Early and Middle Adulthood Paper

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you examine the psychological adjustments to aging and lifestyle that occur within individuals during early and middle adulthood. Be sure to include the following: Discuss how social and intimate relationships evolve and change during early and middle adulthood. Identify various role changes that occur during early and middle […]

write two purpose statements and create a question

Hello Reliablewriter, Prospectus that you will be completing in the Mini Research Prospectus Part 2. Program of Study “Cognition And Instruction” The awriting assignment requires write two purpose statements and create a question and follow the instructions below. Perform the following tasks to complete the assignment:        a) Identify two major research questions that […]

3 page Psychology Paper

  This will be your first essay assignment and it will be on the topic of Chapter 12, Personality. In this first assignment we will be going overt the concepts of personality with an emphasis on Freud and Psychoanalytic study.  One of Freud’s main beliefs is that who you are came to be by past […]