Entries by Linus

Behavorial Health

Research Your State’s VA Services The VA has gone through some major reorganization in the last few decades to meet the growing needs of what is mainly considered an aging veteran population. To meet the needs of veterans, many state’s VA departments have converted their services to long-term care and have also contracted clinical services. […]

PSY 340 Can someone please help?

You are working for a neurological research center, and they need additional reading material for their waiting room.   Create a 2- to 3-page illustrated brochure that includes the following:  The anatomy of a neuronA description of the neural impulseThe stages of neural conductionThe function of the primary neurotransmittersAn example of a physically painful experience that […]

Wendy 2

What factors contributed to the rise of cognitive psychology? Just need 125 words and reference

language aquisition resources

Many resources are available to help us continue to develop our knowledge of language acquisition.  As professionals, you will need to identify and evaluate the resources available to you.  Please spend some time evaluating professional resources linked to language acquisition. For this discussion, choose a specific language acquisition topic to explore further.  Several examples include […]

CWV 101 Grand Canyon University Fall of Humanity Then and Now Homework

In this assignment, you will analyze the implications of the fall of humanity, consider the impact of the fall on humanity, and reflect on the continuing consequences of the fall for people throughout human history. One of the central components of every worldview is the topic of human nature. The topic of human nature asks […]

Child and Adolescent Development

  Assignment 2: Annotated Bibliography   . For more information on the required format of the bibliography please click on annotated bibliography template ..    The major developmental theories for children and adolescents. .Cognitive development from childhood through adolescence.  Age-appropriate milestones and anomalies. Using the South University Online Library database (ProQuest or EBSCOHOST) only, find […]

Violence as a Social Justice Issue Week 3 Mantha

Violence as a Social Justice Issue Consider research evidence on the efficacy of interventions in criminal behaviors and efforts for preventing crime. How do authors of this unit’s readings define crime and violence as social justice issues? What interventions are used to work with people involved in the legal system (provide one for perpetrators, one […]

I need help with this

Create  a 2- to 3-page brochure including graphics, on traditional psychodynamic theories. Describe personality. Discuss the main tenets of each theory, how they apply to personality and behavior, and the strengths and limitations of each theory.

Health Policy & Saudi Healthcare System

Health Policy & Saudi Healthcare System College of Health Sciences ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Course name: Health Policy & Saudi Healthcare System Course code: HCM113 CRN: 25566 Assignment title: There are different types of healthcare system structure, and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. 1. What are the types of healthcare system structure? (5) […]