Entries by Linus

Violence as a Social Justice Issue Week 3 Mantha

Violence as a Social Justice Issue Consider research evidence on the efficacy of interventions in criminal behaviors and efforts for preventing crime. How do authors of this unit’s readings define crime and violence as social justice issues? What interventions are used to work with people involved in the legal system (provide one for perpetrators, one […]

I need help with this

Create  a 2- to 3-page brochure including graphics, on traditional psychodynamic theories. Describe personality. Discuss the main tenets of each theory, how they apply to personality and behavior, and the strengths and limitations of each theory.

Health Policy & Saudi Healthcare System

Health Policy & Saudi Healthcare System College of Health Sciences ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Course name: Health Policy & Saudi Healthcare System Course code: HCM113 CRN: 25566 Assignment title: There are different types of healthcare system structure, and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. 1. What are the types of healthcare system structure? (5) […]

Capella Impact of Diversity & Cultural Competence in The Workplace Essay

Write a 6–8-page evaluation in which you describe a research topic (Please make sure that the topic is something relating to diversity in the workplace and cultural competency) that is an important aspect of your professional life or an issue related to your specialization that could benefit from research. This may be a topic that […]

benefits of a nursing joining a professional organization

benefits of a nursing joining a professional organization 1.A new registered nurse (RN) just started his first job working on a medical-surgical nursing unit. He asks his newly assigned preceptor if it is important to join a professional nursing organization. • • What are four benefits the preceptor could share with the new RN about […]

Grossmont College The Individual Mind Paper

Anne Frank famously wrote, at the end of her personal account of hiding from the Nazis, “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.” This sentiment captures the essence of the Humanist point of view. What do you think about Anne Frank’s statement? Do you agree with Freud’s darker vision, that we […]


Discussions To participate in the following discussions, go to this week’s Discussion link in the left navigation. Debate: Is Health Care a Right or a Privilege? Review your instructor’s announcement for the side of the debate you have been assigned to focus on in your initial post (your instructor will assign you to a side). […]


Attached in the file is the assignment instructions. please complete it according to exactly how it is explained. complete and send back ON the same template.. thank you so much. please let me know if you have any questions.. 

write this paper

After watching the “The War on Drugs: Winners and Losers” video and reading Chemical Dependency: A Systems Approach , take a stand on legalization, decriminalization, or status quo regarding how drug use is treated in our society. Write a 1,750- to 3,450-word paper that responds to the following question:Would you apply this strategy across the […]