Entries by Linus

Social Psychology Breakdown

Methodology breakdowns should be 1 paragraph, double spaced. For the breakdowns, please be sure to include the following: 1) Explanation of the week’s topic field (social psychology methods). 2) Description of how research is typically conducted in this field.  3) Examination of how the article applies this methodology to produce their findings (must use APA style […]

Putting the Pieces Together

Putting the Pieces Together Resources Discussion Participation Scoring Guide. The final outcome of the problem-solving process involves the ability to synthesize information in a clear and inclusive manner. The goal of this phase of the process is to take many different data points and points of view and synthesize them into one clear plan of […]

due now

When computing a  t-test, it is important to distinguish between directional and nondirectional hypotheses as the direction will determine the rejection regions. Describe how the rejection regions would differ according to the type of hypothesis you would use.   An insurance company asks you to determine whether older drivers are safer than younger ones. Provide […]

PCN-529 Week 2 Assignment (Benchmark Assignment) Substance Use Disorder Testing

   PCN-529 Week 2 Assignment (Benchmark Assignment) Substance Use Disorder Testing   Max Points: 110   Details: Select and research a substance use disorder testing instrument.  Write a paper of 500-750 words describing the instrument’s application in counseling. Include the following in your paper. A      description of the substance use disorder test, including whether the […]

Human Services Delivery

Human Services Delivery Resources Discussion Participation Scoring Guide. Using the Capella University Library, find an article that identifies a current problem in the field. Explain how a human service delivery model addresses this problem and provides social care, social control, and rehabilitation services.

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine the foundations of psychology. Address the following components: Identify the major schools of thought in psychology and examine their major underlying assumptions. Identify the primary biological fo

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine the foundations of psychology. Address the following components: Identify the major schools of thought in psychology and examine their major underlying assumptions. Identify the primary biological foundations of psychology linked to behavior. Prepare to discuss this paper in class. Format your paper consistent with APA […]

Discussion: Attitudes and Persuasion

Attitudes are formed and maintained in many ways. Social psychologists have studied how people form their attitudes for decades and from many perspectives. Why are researchers so interested in attitude? For one thing, your attitude typically influences your behavior. For example, attitudes about political topics such as war, abortion, civil rights, and so on, influence […]


Read the article “Differential effects of a body image exposure session on smoking urge between physically active and sedentary female smokers,”and  identify the research questions and/or hypotheses as they are stated.  Consider the following questions: What are the variables (sample sizes,  population, treatments, etc.)?  What are the inferential statistics used  in this article?  Were the […]