Entries by Linus

psych 625 week 5

                                                                                              Time to Practice – Week Five   Complete Parts A, B, and C below.   Part A   Some questions in Part A require that you access data from Statistics for People Who (Think T hey) Hate Statistics . This data is available on the student website under the Student Text Resources link. […]

4-5 PAGES NOT INCLUDING TITLE PAGE AND REFERENCE (Master level) PS501 Foundations of Professional Psychology

 Please review both attachments Your paper should be 4 – 5 pages (double spaced, 1” margins) in length, not including the title page or reference page. No abstract is required. You should be able to demonstrate graduate school level of writing, with clear, concise scholarly writing, free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. Your paper […]

Keiser University Sports Psychologist Annotated Bibliography

In preparation for your final paper it will be important to find references that focus on the sports psychologist you have selected to write on. For this annotated bibliography you will need to locate at least 5 articles from Keiser’s online library or the internet. What is an annotated bibliography? It is an organized list […]

Week 2-DQ-1 (7-3-18)

  Multicultural Career Counseling Create up to a five minute video, using the “record/upload media” function in your discussion settings, discussing career counseling with respect to one minority group of your choosing.  Be sure to use at least two resources in preparation of your video and list them on your discussion post. 


 THIS DISCUSSION IS NO LESS THAN 300 WORDS AND APA FORMAT. Social and Cultural Capital When trying to comprehend the persistence of racial and ethnic inequality, social scientists find it useful to think in terms of social and cultural capital.  French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu popularized the terms social and cultural capital to refer to assets […]

Assume the role of a developmental psychologist that has been asked to provide advice to two different women: (1) a 6-month pregnant woman and (2) a postpartum woman. Prepare 1 memo for each woman (2 memos total), each 350- to 400-words in length. In you

Assume the role of a developmental psychologist that has been asked to provide advice to two different women: (1) a 6-month pregnant woman and (2) a postpartum woman. Prepare 1 memo for each woman (2 memos total), each 350- to 400-words in length.  In your memo, be sure to address the following items: Provide a daily […]

Analytical Essay

Need a Analytical essay about the causes of prejudice based on character‘s interactions within the movie “Crash”. In the analysis of each interaction you will apply concepts and theories from either the sociological or psychological causes discussed in the Parrillo article. No more than 5 pages!  Plagiarism Free!! Can include Pareillo article and rubric!  

24 hours hm

The perceptual process can be described in seven basic steps, plus knowledge. In your own words, briefly describe each step and knowledge. Consider the flow of information. At what point in the process does sensation occur? Is there a distinct and identifiable point where sensation ends and perception begins? Is the point between sensation and […]