Entries by Linus

SOCW 6121/Field IV Wk 4

   Discussion1: Confidentiality One of the most important concepts in clinical practice and group work is confidentiality. All members of the group sign an informed consent form in order to address the rules and parameters of the group sessions. The rules regarding confidentiality are stated in one section of the form. Although every member must […]

Analyzing Tests and Scales

 2- or 3-paragraph analysis of the relationships among tests and scales, populations, and reliability and validity. Additionally, post 1 or 2 paragraphs describing the test and scale examples from your discipline, including the populations, the reliability and validity of each test, and whether the test and scale could be applied to another population.


For your Final Principles of Success Plan, you will combine the goals and principles you wrote for Milestone 1 and Milestone 2 (Assignments 1 and 2 in this course), and then you will add the three additional principles based on concepts presented in chapters 8, 9, and 10 in your webtext – mindset, grit, and […]

Curriculum Philosophy & Preparing for Individualism

Discussion 1   Curriculum Philosophy In Chapter 2, the author of your text discusses the connection between assumptions and beliefs and the profound effect our perception of these can have on our ability to become effective teachers. As Jaruszewicz (2013) explains, “Your growth as a teacher and your ability to create, manage, and facilitate an […]

Identifying Your Assumptions

  Identifying Your Assumptions Your initial post in this discussion has two parts; be sure to address both of them. First, describe your own assumptions about human nature and behavior,  using the questions below to help clarify your theoretical assumptions.  Next, choose from the schools of thought presented in the multimedia  piece, Introduction to Schools […]


You must know about that “””how to use the SPSS Format”””…!((( NEED LESS THAN 4 HOURS)))    i want at tleast 2 pages for the word document. But I need to submit something for the SPSS Data file and the SPSS Output file…   Imagine you are a researcher who believes that a relaxation technique […]


Watch the video on youtube of Are You a Psychopath? Take the Test! | Kevin Dutton Resources. Answer the following questions. 1. What would you do in Scenario One? Why? 2. What would you do in Scenario Two? Why? 3. Compare the reaction of an average person to that of a psychopath. Submit assignment as […]

Question 34

Complete a research paper on the attached topic. Be sure to include the information listed on the attachment (problem, hypothesis, null hypothesis, literature review topics, and research design). It should include a cover page, an abstract, an introduction, a literature review, a methodology, and a reference page. Your final paper should be double-spaced, 8–10 pages […]