Entries by Linus

Essay on Childhood Psychological Disorders

For your assignment, create a brief essay (1-2 pages in length) about one of the psychological disorders first identified in childhood and adolescence. Your readings covered several different disorders, and there are several more that fit into this category that we did not cover. The choice of disorder is left up to you, but your […]

Columbia Southern University Examination of Motivation and Social Psychology HW

This paper provides you with an opportunity to analyze a real-world, peer-reviewed psychology journal article. You should find an article containing research that examines motivation, emotion, and social psychology. (Has been attached) Choose a journal article in which motivation and emotion are viewed under the lens of social psychology. The article must be peer-reviewed and […]

Bishop High School Perception and Sensation Research Paper

Assignment 1.2: Perception and SensationPerception and SensationOBJECTIVESList the functions of the eyes, ears, and skin and their role in behaviorDiscuss sensation and perception and their role in everyday lifeASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW This reaction and response assignment explores one perception topic.DELIVERABLES A one-page (12-point font) paper Step 1 Access the Hanover College Psychology Department website. Hanover College […]

an explanation of how you might use an eclectic approach to intervene in the disaster, crisis, or trauma you described in Discussion 1. In your explanation, be sure to provide specific examples of how your selected intervention models might impact the way

3 paragraphs wqith reference   There are a number of crisis intervention theories and models. The goals of crisis intervention theories and models might include restoring survivors’ pre-crisis equilibrium, reframing survivors’ views and beliefs about disasters, crises, or traumas, or helping survivors choose effective behaviors and attitudes to cope with their situations. The developmental stages […]


Prior to beginning work on this discussion read Chapter 10 of your  course text.  Pay close attention to the two case illustrations in  section 10.4 as these may inform the creation of your own illustration  in your initial post.  Also read  the Clarkin, Cain, and Livesley  (2015), Kealy, Steinberg, and Ogrodniczuk (2015), and the Miller, […]

Due in 12 hours!!

What environmental and social aspects are important for the “ideal” physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of a child? Discuss development from the prenatal through middle childhood stages. Please include course notes and your own ideas. You must back up your opinions with relatable experience or personal examples. You can include comments from individuals involved […]

Mental health DQ

   1. What are patient outcomes?  2. How do patient outcomes affect the role of a behavioral health provider in a medical setting?

ADD 5107 Capella Principles of Integrated Addiction & Mental Health Treatment HW

Using that client information, complete the Biopsychosocial Assessment Form (also linked in the assignment resources). Save and attach the Biopsychosocial Assessment Form to your assignment submission. In addition, write a paper that addresses the following questions:Does your chosen case study present a potential dual diagnosis?Beyond what you were able to gather for the Biopsychosocial Assessment […]

annotated outline

my topic is childhood drug abuse in low income familes  This week, you must submit an annotated outline  A one-page overview in which you: Briefly explain the topic for the proposal and support for the chosen topic. Then prepare an outline of the structure of your proposal. You will structure your proposal as follows:   […]