Entries by Linus

one power point slide

Complete 2 power point slides expounding on the Linking theory. Please add detailed speaker notes. Also needed will be a reference page. 

Home Work

  Assignment 2: Conducting a z-Test A researcher predicts that watching a film on institutionalization will change students’ attitudes about chronically mentally ill patients. The researcher randomly selects a class of 36 students, shows them the film, and gives them a questionnaire about their attitudes. The mean score on the questionnaire for these 36 students […]


READ FIRST ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT, I WILL QUESTION YOU TO CHECK THROUGH CHAT!!!   I need someone who can write well for this assignment! No immature jibber-jabber rambling, repetitive sentences either!! I need someone to make up a DETAILED treatment plan for an adult trying to control their anger temper tantrums they have due to various […]

Play the Expert

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read the following required articles: “Relations Between Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning” “The Effect of the Environment (Real and Virtual) and The Personality on the Speed of Decision Making” “Decision-Making Theories and Models: A Discussion of Rational and Psychological Decision-Making Theories and Models: The Search for a […]

CST-111 Week 1 Topic 1 DQ 1

Coding in your career This class will include students from several different programs of study – engineering, business, computer science, and IT. What are the general benefits to learning how to program? (Hint – look at music and arts education.) How can programming benefit you in your chosen career field?  What types of coding skills […]

screening and assesment

A: Utility of the Functional Behavioral Assessment Discuss in detail why the choice of a Functional Behavioral Assessment approach that utilizes principles of Behavior Analysis should be considered superior to previous iterations of assessment for problem behaviors. In your discussion, be sure to include reference to at least two of the following “old school” methods […]

Kids and Competency

  Kids and Competency Psychologists often provide recommendations regarding criminal justice practices in an effort to implement more effective reforms. Although each state has provisions for a juvenile justice system due to the fundamental differences between children and adults, many of those states utilize the adult competency standards to determine if a child is able […]


Special Populations Intervention Paper Arguably, there is no single career counseling theory that would work for every group. Personal differences, environment, and choice are just a few of the variables that add to the complexity of career-related decisions. Throughout the years, researchers have continued to improve on earlier theories as new, more inclusive approaches to […]