Entries by Linus

Read Journal Article and answer the follow questions…..

Teach me about ONE  of the articles you read this week:  (either “EFFECT OF EXERCISE PROTOCOL (“WARM-UP”) ON POST-EXERCISE HEART RATE RECOVERY ” OR “A Controlled Trial of Arthroscopic Surgery for Osteoarthritis of the Knee” What is the article about??  What SPECIFIC statistical analysis was used?  What was the null hypothesis?  What was the research hypothesis?  […]

Supreme Court cases

 Original paper with references and no plagiarism. Turnitin will be in effect when submitted. In 1803 The Supreme Court heard the case, Marbury v. Madison. Chief Justice John Marshall, writing on behalf of a unanimous court, stated “it is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.” (Marbury […]

Capella University Week 9 Controversial Intervention Risk Benefit Analysis

Consider this scenario: The principal of a local school learned about a facility in Massachusetts that uses an electric shock device as a behavior control procedure. For more information on this device, review the Linscheid, et al. article. The principal has requested that parents of one of her school’s students allow this procedure as an […]


   Evidence based paper You are to select a population or behavior and prepare a provided an evidence-based paper using the application of MI to this area. Write a 5 paper on the research evidence for the application of MI in this area. Examples include the application of MI with adolescents, older adults, clients with […]

Are Violent Video Games Harmful to Children and Adolescents?

This week’s Forum focuses on the question, “Are Violent Video Games Harmful to Children and Adolescents?” debated in our course textbook, Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Psychological Issues (Gantt & Slife, 2015).   I had the YES perspective and I have to respond to the 3 perspectives below.  250 word minimum.  Perspective 1:  Are Violent […]

Princeton Information Technology Sports Psychology Questions

You may use your textbook and any notes you have taken as resources during this exam. You may NOT use other PEOPLE as resources. Answer all 5 of these questions. Each question should be answered in about one paragraph, using ONLY YOUR OWN WORDS and using good grammar, spelling, etc. 1.CHAPTER 1: Name and explain […]

Race and Ethnicity

This is three separate assignments. Please do not combine them   #1 Listen to or read Dr. King’s speech,  I Have a Dream . Then, respond to the following: Dr. King’s famous speech envisions a future in which the racial distinction established by slavery and segregation is no more. Define what Dr. King’s refrain, “free […]

The place of reason

Kant sees reason as the only basis for any universal ethics. This gives little room for human emotions such as sympathy, empathy, happiness, etc. It also means that Kant does not count results or consequences as being ethically relevant. Please address the following: What are the strengths of basing an ethic entirely on human reason? […]