Entries by Linus

Scientific Study of Personality

Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary that explores personality characteristics. Address the following in your summary: How do psychologists define personality? Provide an overview of the definition of personality.Researchers use a number of different methods to study personality. Three of the most commonly used methods are case studies, correlational designs, and experimental designs or true experiments.  How do […]

psychology discussion question

  ***TYPE OR (CUT & PASTE) THE ENTIRE QUESTION AND THEN ANSWER IT. INCLUDE CORRECT NUMBERING& LETTERING, 1., 2a., 2b., 3 etc.  FOR EXAMPLE: How accurately do you think the results reflect your personality? Why or why not? (3-4 substantive sentences PER FACTOR) Use AT LEAST ONE (1) DETAILED specific example about yourself PER FACTOR! (10 […]

Model Treatment or Service Plan

  Model Treatment or Service Plan Using the attached template, fill in each section making sure that there is sufficient information to demonstrate the objectives are measurable, related to the identified problem or community service plan objective, and that there are included target dates. The plan must have an introduction defining the client or the […]

PSY 265 Week 7 CheckPoint Childhood Development And Sexual Behavior

  CheckPoint: Childhood Development and Sexual Behavior Post your answers to the following: Many parents do not have a background in childhood development and may not recognize that there are normal childhood sexual behaviors. In 200 to 300 words, review sexual behaviors associated with the stages of childhood development. Include in your discussion examples of […]

psyc dicussion assignment

Is there a stigma associated with being diagnosed with a mental disorder? Provide support for your response. You can look up the  Bellevue experiment as one example, or provide personal examples.  Do not just answer with “Yes” or “No”!!!

Assignment 2 : Attachment and Child-Rearing Style

  A key element of social-emotional development during infancy and toddlerhood is the establishment of bonds of attachment. A child’s temperament can influence the nature of attachment with caregivers. For instance, an infant’s difficult temperament might make it more likely that he or she will develop an insecure attachment to the caregiver. If caregivers receive […]

*** KIM WOODS** History and Theory Paper

Consider  the eras, life histories, and personalities of Freud and Rogers. Identify  two research articles published in the last 5 years: one that investigates a psychoanalytic or Freudian construct and one that investigates a client-centered, humanistic, or Rogerian construct. Write  a 1,050- to 1,600-word paper about Freud and Rogers that addresses the following:Provide a brief […]

Psychology Module 1 rp #2

   Students are required to make at least three reflective posts (100 word minimum) to the comments of other students.    You must begin by first stating “I believe your main (basic)point was”.  You may then proceed to discuss your viewpoint and advance or clarify you contribution to the discussion topic. Discussion Topic ADHD is a […]

Week 1 Assignment

Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. I need this completed by 12/02/17 at 6pm.    Journal Assignment: Impact of Life Experiences on Development Review the Final Project Guidelines (located in this week’s Learning Resources). Think about your tentative timeline and which six […]

13 page paper on Healthy Sexuality Topic, see description

   The purpose of this assignment is to research one of the topics you have covered in this course. You will collect 10 scholarly research articles written within the last  10 years on a particular topic related to sex and sexuality (i.e. pornography, extramarital affair, teen pregnancy, homosexuality, etc.).  Articles should come from scholarly research […]