Entries by Linus

Transference and Countertransference

At an inpatient residential treatment facility, a depressed client unrelentingly begs the attending consultant for a weekend discharge pass. While begging for the pass, the client states, “You remind me so much of my brother. He was always such an easygoing, kind person. Whatever you decide is fine. I trust my brother so much to […]

need it tomorrow

Describe a classroom environment, including outdoor play spaces, that includes the ideas and philosophy developed by theorists such as Rousseau (nature), Dewey (experience), Piaget (thinking), and more.  Make sure to include at least five components of the environment. Feel free to attach a document that lays out the specific components. Explain how to integrate current […]

Can this be done by 12 hours?

Sometimes, people just want others to listen. They want to voice their concerns and feelings, while knowing they were heard accurately. As a professional, it is just as important to respond to clients in a way that allows them to believe that you have heard them. Your responses can demonstrate your understanding of where that […]

Graduate Level Case Study all in APA Format

READ BELOW!   Case Study #2:  Alleged improper admission orders resulting in morphine overdose and death   There were multiple co-defendants in this claim who are not discussed in this scenario. Monetary amounts represent only the payments made on behalf of the nurse practitioner. Any amounts paid on behalf of the co-defendants are not available. […]

Act 1 Letter: Lady Macbeth to Macbeth

Here is the book link  https://www.sparknotes.com/nofear/shakespeare/macbeth/    Act 1 Letter: Lady Macbeth to Macbeth Background: In Act 1, scene 5, Lady Macbeth receives a letter from her husband with news of the witches’ prophecy and the King’s reward for Macbeth’s valor in battle. Your task is to write a letter in return. Prompt: Using the […]