Entries by Linus

implicit bias research

1.       Summarize the problem your source, “Long-term Reduction in Implicit Race Bias,” hopes to address 2.       In one or two sentences, describe the purpose or reason for this research 3. In one or two more sentences, explain the results or conclusions of the research, or explain the steps taken by the researcher to meet the […]

annotated bibliography-----PSYC 101

Review the Final Research Paper instructions located within the Final Research Paper link. The Final Research Paper is due in Week Five. To help with the preparation of the paper, complete the following and submit it to your instructor for feedback. Topic: Refer to the Final Research Paper guidelines for your topic selection. Confirm your […]

Cultural Diversity Final

Assignment 7 Begin Final Research Paper Your Research Paper provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability to apply the concepts covered throughout the course. This assignment must be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be at graduate level English. Using the University Virtual Library, find articles from professional journals dated within the past […]

8 psychology questions

Each Question must be answer BY itself and be about 150-200 words and have a quote in the answer. MUST ALSO PASS TURN IT IN WITH LES THAN 5% 1.1   This week, you studied various theories of addiction and learned about the human body’s reaction to substances. With all the scientific knowledge we now have […]

4 Page Psychology Research Paper

The topic that I chose for this assignment is Adolescent Depression! This assignment is part two. The instructions are attached. Please read them THOROUGHLY! Let me know if you have any questions. Of the the attachments is part 1, which I ALREADY DID!  Part two needs to be 4 pages long. Please read part 1, because it […]

Assignment 2: Case Study: Cultural Competence

Assignment 2: Case Study: Cultural Competence For this assignment, you will refer to the section “Course Case Study.” Reread the case study, looking specifically at issues related to cultural competence. Examine the ACA’s and APA’s ethical guidelines related to the issue of cultural competence and respond to the following:Describe the ethical issues related to cultural […]

developmental psych research designs

Assignment 3: Developmental Psychology Research Designs In developmental psychology, the focus of research is often to examine change over time. Developmental psychologists have some special research designs that allow them to accomplish this. Two such research designs are the cross-sectional design and the longitudinal design. A cross-sectional design measures different groups of people of different […]

Transference and Countertransference

At an inpatient residential treatment facility, a depressed client unrelentingly begs the attending consultant for a weekend discharge pass. While begging for the pass, the client states, “You remind me so much of my brother. He was always such an easygoing, kind person. Whatever you decide is fine. I trust my brother so much to […]