Entries by Linus

Color Perception in Infancy Sensory & Perceptual Abilities Critical Writing

Critical Writing Asisignment 2 Instructions:Please proof read your document before you upload as only 1 submission is allowed.Please only submit docx. (Word) documents as other formats cannot be checked in Safe Assign. If they cannot be checked they will not be graded and will earn Zero points.To submit your work –First answer in a word […]


Professional counselors must follow legal and ethical guidelines to protect their clients’ or students’ privacy and confidentiality. However, they also need to protect their clients or students from self-harm and harm by others, and they need to protect other people from potentially dangerous clients or students. At times, these duties may limit a client’s or […]

parenting styles cfc

Parenting styles and parenting interventions are very important and often debated. There seems to be a new opinion each year on the best way to help raise responsible and healthy children. It is important then to use scientific data rather than anecdotal evidence to make our decisions and to suggest interventions to others. Using the […]

Movie critique

Spring 2020 – Psychology of Adolescence (PSY-321-01E) Students must complete a 2-3 page typed adolescent movie critique. Students must watch a movie on their own time. They must first approve the movie with the instructor. Specific details are included later in the syllabus and are posted on myLeo Online (D2L). All work must be turned […]

mberiah assignment bm

ou have just been hired as the chief executive officer (CEO) in a medium-sized organization. The organization is not suffering financially, but neither is it doing as well as it could do. This is largely because the organization is stagnated in old ideas having not kept pace with the changing standards of the sector it […]

PSY/435 Industrial/Organizational Psychology week 4

Individual Improving Organization Retention PaperRead the following scenario:   You are an independent consultant who has recently been hired by JC’s Casino to help improve retention issues concerning the dealers and housekeepers.  Most of the dealers have been leaving the casino to work at other casinos in the area, even though JC’s Casino pays better […]

Interest in Writing paper for Crisis Counseling 303

Research Paper Overview You will build a 2,000–2,500-word Research Paper that summarizes and discusses acute stress response. The paper will be completed in current APA format and include a title page, abstract, outline, and reference page. Over the duration of the course, you will build and submit the paper in 4 parts: creating a title […]