Entries by Linus

Cultural Diversity A2

Read Chapters 1 & 3 of Cross-Cultural Psychology.   Assignment                     2 The text authors believe that despite all the ethnic, cultural, religious, racial, and national differences, people can learn to become more understanding, respectful, and tolerant of each other. In spite of the fact that cross-cultural psychology alone cannot solve the profound problems facing the human […]

300 W2 Assignment

The goal of this unit is to focus on and refine your research question and design a study that will fit your research question. [Chapter 2: Planning a Study].   Then write a 4 section essay using APA format on the following: Present your refined topic and research question/ hypothesis. Bring in reference to one of […]

PSY 300 Week 1 Individual Assignment Foundations of Psychology Paper

  Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine the foundations of psychology.  In your paper be sure to address the following components:   o   Identify the major schools of thought in psychology and examine their major underlying assumptions. o   Identify the primary biological foundations of psychology linked to behavior.   ·       Prepare to discuss this paper in class. ·       Use a […]

Activity Plan

Create an Activity Plan with your site supervisor that identifies the  plan for attaining the knowledge and skills identified in the Learning  Contract.  Include the following: 1. Resources utilized, including readings, websites, and agency  materials 2. Persons to be consulted  3.Observations to be  done 4.Timeline for goals to be met 5. Feedback loop:    Plan for […]

Essential Services Personal Interview

Essential Services Personal Interview Select a population (maternal, infant, child, adolescent, young adults, older adults, elderly) and research the most critical health issues affecting this population. Describe the most critical health issues affecting your selected population.Describe at least three public health/community services that exist in your own community to address these issues.Contact one of these […]

Emotional Intelligence Paper

 Write Use the analysis essay format for this assignment to construct a 700- to 1,050-word paper, based on your comprehensive reading for the week, examining the importance of emotional intelligence in all aspects of life. Address the following items in your analysis: Use of emotional intelligence concepts in communication. Use of emotional intelligence concepts in […]

The Consultant

Social influence is pervasive. Understanding mechanisms by which our own behavior is influenced can help us intentionally shape the behavior of others.  In this discussion, we will consider various forms of social influence by creating an intervention designed to address a particular concern in one of many real world settings. To inform your thinking on […]


Discussion1: Overcoming Chemical and Behavioral Addictions   Most individuals in the throes of addiction are in emotional pain. Recovery is not easy and requires a great amount of personal effort and internal motivation. Individuals working toward recovery encounter a seemingly insurmountable number of personal challenges blocking their decision to change, including denial.   Once individuals […]