Entries by Linus

Cognitive psychology final project rough draft

PSY 540 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric: Rough Draft  Overview   For your rough draft, you will submit a complete proposal that includes all the required elements of the final proposal and incorporates any relevant instructor feedback you received on Milestones One and Two. In your rough draft, be sure to address all the following […]

Well Fargo: Management and Leadership

As an MBA and leader, you must be able to present your management plans  and leadership strategies to inform stakeholders and gain buy-in. For this  assignment, you’ll practice this by developing a proposal for a professional  development training program. The program centers on motivational strategies  and how an emotional intelligence management approach would benefit  department […]

Quick 600 words – I need this in under 4 hours

Question   Choose one option below and write 600 words about one of the option. Choose one you have a good understanding about?and explain it thoroughly. Option #1 Why is the geographical location of heaven supposed to be an important issue in the Soul Narrative? Why is that issue such a tough one? ?Option #2 […]

Cognition Midnight Essay

Assignment 2  Explore the following interview with Dr. Dan Siegel.  Discuss how the information Dr. Siegel shares enhances your understanding of self and others. Read the following: http://www.psychalive.org/what-is-mindsight-an-interview-with-dr-dan-siegel/ Your responses must be comprehensive, using terminology and concepts presented in the interview. All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be written at graduate level English. […]

EDCE 611 Quiz 5 Liberty University Answers (2018)

 IMPORTANT: AFTER PURCHASE, OPEN THIS PAGE AGAIN AND SCROLL DOWN BELOW TO DOWNLOAD FILES WITH ANSWERS.  1. Brief counselors encourage client action by way of 2. Brief counseling focuses on 3. Brief counseling is 4. Brief counseling is 5. Brief counseling means 6. Which of the following statements is NOT true? 7. In brief counseling, […]

Psychology Concepts Sensations and Perceptions Questions

Read the following scenarios. Write a 90- to 175-word response to the following questions associated with each scenario. Ensure what you are describing is a research method and not a research design. A psychologist is interested in learning more about how children interact with each other during the school day. The psychologist is particularly interested […]


#1. Describe how individually-focused group therapy influenced family therapy and how family therapy has morphed into a relational and systemic approach. #2 Given the commonality of blended families, how do you decide who should be included in family therapy? What ethical considerations need to be made when determining who to involve in therapy? What are […]

Discussion: Neurology and Criminal Behavior

  Contemporary research on brain dysfunction is inconclusive about the nature of violent and aggressive behavior. In addition, there is not much research on nonviolent forms of criminal behavior related to brain dysfunction, which leaves unanswered questions about the topic. Additional research—including comprehensive reviews of both sides of the debate—may provide a more complete picture […]


For this 2 to 3 page assignment, imagine that you are a professor teaching a psychology ethics course and you have to decide on a hypothetical case that you will use to educate your students for a couples and family therapy learning module.  First, describe a hypothetical couple or family (choose one) and the issues […]