Entries by developer

Choose two different type of squats and contrast the muscles worked

Graduate level writing Post should be at least 400 words. Use a minimum of 2 additional references APA formating For this week’s forum we are going to discuss how to use a variety of squats in a variety of training conditions. We know that mechanics changes can change the way that muscles are worked. Mechanics […]

Factors Associated with Alcoholism Health

For the past 2 decades or so, researchers have viewed alcoholism from a “biomedical” point of view. Many researchers thought that it was only a matter of time before a gene for alcoholism would be found. Recently, many researchers have agreed that biology plays a role in addiction but suggest that biology is only one […]

Use of A Variety of Squats in A Variety of Training Conditions

You see an advertisement for a special drink that is supposed to eliminate excess body fat while you sleep. According to the ad, this product helps you lose weight “fast” by increasing your metabolic rate; there is no need to eat less food or exercise more often. Explain why you think this ad is a […]

Was Lia’s life ruined by cross-cultural misunderstandings?

Was Lia’s life ruined by cross-cultural misunderstandings? Explain your thoughts. School UCLA Question Description Resource: Ch. 18 to 19 of The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. Due Thursday (23 pts) Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following: Was Lia’s life ruined by cross-cultural misunderstandings? Explain your thoughts.

Healthcare Quality and Health Promotion and Prevention.

Complete this discussion in a 150 – 300 response. Healthcare Quality and Health Promotion and Prevention. Discuss the role of quality in healthcare organizations. Evaluate the need for quality by answering the following questions: What is quality in healthcare? What are some of the ways quality is measured in healthcare? Who is responsible for quality […]

difference between Medicare, Medicaid, and a private insurance

Complete this discussion in a 150 – 300 response. Government Versus Private Funding Explore the difference between the following: Medicare, Medicaid, and a private insurance of your choice (such as Major Medical, PPO or HMO): Respond to the list of questions below for each, supporting your answers with resources appropriate to the topic 1. Describe […]

importance of a new health policy plan

Note: Each assessment in this course is a step in developing Assessment 6, a proposal for a new health policy in the form of a policy manual. You are strongly encouraged to complete assessments in this course in sequence. For this assessment, be sure to plan ahead in order to consider the structural needs for […]

Positive and Negative Correlation

Graduate level writing Post should be at least 400 words. Use a minimum of 2 additional references APA formating For this week’s forum, provide an example of two variables that are correlated in a strong and positive direction and two that are correlated in a strong a negative direction. You aren’t required to provide a […]